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Damien Chazelle writer Whiplash

The movie was going to be about a drummer, so you literally open with a guy drumming.
The story itself is really about the drummer’s relationship with the teacher so that’s what
the first scene had to be - had to introduce the drummer; the teacher; and tell you exactly
what that relationship was going to be. The rest of the movie could basically just vary, riff on
that theme. I basically like the idea of having an entire movie within the opening scene of a

Especially because it’s a world that most people reading the script don’t know – weren’t
familiar with - there was a lot more explanation that was needed on the page than we
wound up needing in the script.

This applies to the world of disability. You could also consider the feminist mindset as a
world and this can be with respect – even if the script is also pointing out the absolutism

I knew the first image of the movie and I knew the last image of the movie.

Q: How did you demonise the teacher?

Damien: I had a conductor in high school that served as a loose inspiration. You demonise
them at certain points and you idolise them.At once a monster and a god from the point of
view of the protagonist.

He did it as 60 pages for the Sundance festival. He took it from his 90 page script. This is part
of a larger idea.

Not a music coming of age film but it was going to be about this world but play like a

How do we take this and make it like a car chase

All about velocity – it makes you feel like you’re careering out of control.

I grew up in a maths household my dad was a mathematician.

Damien Chazelle speaking about his own drumming life and quitting: “It’s like Salieri in
Amadeus you get good enough to know you’re not good enough”

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