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Write equations of proportional

The following table shows a proportional relationship between the amount of paint used, in
quarts, and the area of a wall, in square yards, that can be painted.

Write an equation to describe the relationship between the

amount of paint used (x) and the area of the wall that can be
painted (y).

2. The following table shows a proportional relationship between the number of envelopes that an
office worker has stuffed and the number of minutes that they have been working.

Write an equation to describe the relationship between the

number of envelopes stuffed (x) and the amount of time that the
office worker has been working (y).

3. Maisie went to the market to buy cantaloupes. She bought 6

cantaloupes for $24. Each cantaloupe costs the same amount of
Scribble space

Write an equation to describe the

relationship between the number of
cantaloupes Maisie bought (x), and the
amount of money that she paid for
them (y dollars).

4. Julie can jump rope at a steady pace of 30 jumps in 12 seconds.

Write an equation to represent the

relationship between the amount of
time that Julie jumps rope (x seconds)
and the number of jumps that Julie

makes (y).

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5. The following table shows a proportional relationship between the amount of paint used, in
quarts, and the area of a wall, in square yards, that can be painted.
Write an equation to describe the relationship between the amount of
paint used (x) and the area of the wall that can be painted (y).

6. A local restaurant makes its own fresh orange juice every morning. The graph below represents the
relationship between the number of glasses of juice that have been freshly made this morning y and
the number of oranges that were used x.
Write an equation that represents the proportional relationship in this
graph, for y in terms of x.

7. Andy works at a grocery store and is paid an hourly wage. The graph below represents the
relationship between the number of dollars that Andy earns, y and the number of hours that he
works x.
Write an equation that represents the proportional relationship in this
graph, for y in terms of x.

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