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On April 10th, two of my classmates, Madeline Hamma and Lauren Lajoie, and I went

out for an hour by Boulder Creek down behind Folsom Field and picked up trash for the
organization Tidy Up Boulder. Their contact is Jeanna O’Connor, with the email and phone number 303-413-7245.
We wore gloves while picking up any trash we saw along the Boulder Creek path and
put it into the trash bag we had with us. We spent an hour collecting trash and filled an entire
bag. I chose this activity because picking up trash is an easy task that anyone can do, and you
can spend as much or as little time you want doing it and you are still making a difference. I also
enjoy being outdoors so this was a good opportunity to get outside. I impacted the people that
use the trail as they have to put up with seeing the trash and I also impacted the animals in the
surrounding area by cleaning up their living space and making sure they do not consume any
I feel good knowing how easy it is to make a difference and do your community a favor
now after picking up trash. Volunteer work and community service can have flexible availability,
so you can work it into your schedule at odd hours of the day like I did. I do not have any
specific current plans for community service, but usually when I am in my hometown, like I will
be over the upcoming summer, I serve at my local food bank and a church.

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