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English (Inter) Part-II

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 20

Name: ----------------------------------------------
Q#1: Choose the correct option for the underlined word? (10)
1. Famine had been a problem from a quite long time.
a. War b. Food shortage c. Abundance of food d. None of these
2. Corn is scare and food is lacking.
a. Plenteous b. Plenty of c. Short d. Uplifted
3. We have the power to abolish the war.
a. Start b. Stop c. Resume d. Repeat
4. Joseph averted the wide speared disaster.
a. Avoided b. Made c. Changed d. Resumed
5. The yarn passed on.
a. Book b. Article c. Story d. Letter
6. I am a war time fluke.
a. Veteran b. Victorious c. Luck d. Activist
7. He was chubby boy.
a. Slim b. Lazy c. Fat d. Naughty
8. Let us resume our work.
a. Start b. Stop c. Dull d. Restart
9. He had earned reputation as a great jester.
a. Joker b. Serious person c. Writer d. Teacher
10. The teacher showed less pomposity.
a. Respect b. Honesty c. Wisdom d. Pride
Q#2: Choose the correct preposition? (05)
1. We pray………God.
a. Off b. of c. For d. To
2. we cannot rep……….him.
a. On b. For c. By d. Against
3. I Prefer milk…….tea.
a. To b. Of c. On d. For
4. He repented…..his sins.
a. For b. On c. To d. Of
5. I am popular…….my brother.
a. At b. To c. For d. With
Q#:3 Choose the correct sentence? (05)
1. The Urdu is an easy language.
a. The Urdu is easy language.
b. The urdu is easy language.
c. The Urdu is easy Language.
d. Urdu is an easy language.
2. I have many works to do.
a. I have too many works to do.
b. I have too many works too do.
c. I have much works to do.
d. I have many pieces of work to do.
3. He denied to dine with me.
a. He refused to dine with me.
b. He refused too dine with me.
c. He denied to dine with I.
d. He Denied to dine with me.
4. His luggages were lost.
a. His luggage was lost.
b. His luggages was lost.
c. His luggages were loost.
d. His luggage his lost.
5. He is giving the examination.
a. He is giving examination.
b. He has giving the examination.
c. He is taking the examination.
d. He is taking examination.
English (Inter) Part-II

Subjective Part

Time: 1:30 Hour Marks: 56

Q#: 1 Write the short answers (in 3-5 lines) to any eight questions? (16)
(i) Which famine has been mentioned in the Bible?

(ii) What are the main causes of famine?

(iii) What does hunger mean on large scale as viewed by the author?

(iv) Who was Robin Hood?

(v) When did Chips became acting head of Brookfield for the second time?

(vi) What was Chips joke about Abhorendum?

(vii) How did Chips take his class during the air raid?

(viii) Whom did Chips call stink merchants?

(ix) Write a note on Chips' humour?

(x) What was Chips' will?

(xi) What did the boys of Brookfield do during the general strike of 1926?
Q#: 2 Write an essay (300-400 words) on the topic of "Corruption”? (15)
Q#: 3 Use any five of the following idioms in your sentences? (10)
(i) To take over (ii) To tell upon (iii) Through thick and thin (iv) To take in

(v) Turn down (vi) Up to the mark (vii) Uphill task (viii) With an iron hand
Q#4 Translate the following paragraph into English? (15)

‫بج آپ رمع ردیسہ وہ رےہ وہں وت ضعب اواقت آپ رپ ونغدیگ اطری وہےن یتگل ےہ اور وتق یسک رچااگہ ںیم ےس زگرےت وہےئ ومیشی یک رطح‬
‫ یہیاحل یپساکیھباھتوہیسکوبڑےھدنمسریاتپکنانیکرطحوتقوکوکامیضیکالعامتےساماتپاھتربوکفیلڑاسےکےیلرنی‬.‫زگرےناتگلےہ‬
.‫وہارثکامیضیک ایدوںںیموھکایراتہاھت‬.‫ڑباھےپںیمآگےکاپسھٹیبرکاچےئانیپاےسااھچاتگلاھت‬.‫وچاٹمئےسیھبیھبزایدہامہاھت‬

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