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13. Susan _____ Tom ______ the answers in the notebook last week.

台南市歸仁國中 109 學年度第二學期第二次段考二年級英語科試題

(A) helped; copied (B) lets; copy (C) helped; copying (D) made; copy
範圍:第四冊 U3-U4 14. The road ends here. It won’t go ______. Should we turn back?
(A) longer (B) farther (C) faster (D) higher
※試題共 4 頁,請注意試券是否完整※ ※請將答案劃在答案卡上※ 15. Laura plays basketball ______ in her class. She is even better than all the other boys.
(A) the best (B) good (C) better (D) worst
一、綜合測驗:請依據題意選出一個正確或最佳的答案:35%(1-5 題:1%,
16. I have to catch the bus right now, ______ I’ll miss my cousin’s party.
6-20 題:2%)
(A) or (B) and (C) because (D) if
1. It is wonderful to know that you always talk _______ when you have to use the cellphone on the
17. The old man can’t see _____ even with his glasses. He almost goes blind(失明).
train. (A) angrily (B) quickly (C) lazily (D) quietly
(A) lonely (B) hardly (C) clearly (D) highly
2. Gina worked late and was worried she couldn’t catch the bus. ________, she saw a bus
18. My mom had me ______ my sister _______ home earlier.
______ just after she arrived at the bus station.
(A) told; to come (B) tell; to come (C) to tell; came (D) tell; come
(A) Luckily; coming (B) Quickly; coming (C) Lucky; come (D) Heavily; come
19. Sunny _____ his dad prepare lunch at home if it _______ tomorrow afternoon.
3. A little girl carried(攜帶) a very heavy box by _______ on her way home. No one helped
(A) helps; rains (B) will help; will rain (C) will help; rains (D) help; will rain
her. (A) her (B) herself (C) she (D) himself
20. Be ______. The cat in the box is sleeping. We should move it _________.
4. Choose the wrong sentence.
(A) carefully; carefully (B) careful; careful (C) carefully; careful (D) careful; carefully
(A) The boy played baseball terribly today. (B) She listened comfortably to the music last
night. (C) The man closed slowly the door yesterday. (D) The duck is swimming quietly. 二、對話與完成句子:5%
5. Andy can jump ____________ any other boy in his class.
21. Nick: Your daughter, Kate, danced beautifully. David: _______________
(A) more higher than (B) the highest (C) highly than (D) higher than
(A) Very well. (B) How beautiful! (C) No problem. (D) Thank you.
6. Mary watched Joyce ________ the floor and out the garbage at 7:00 last night.
22. Ida: How many hours a day do you work?
(A) mopped; took (B) mopping; taking (C) mopping; take (D) mop; taking
Rio: _______ I work very hard and seldom rest.
7. The girl in pink looked ______ at that time because of her bad math grade(成績).
(A) Over ten hours. (B) Seven days a week. (C) The more, the better. (D) That’s a problem.
(A) sad (B) sadly (C) happily (D) fast
23. John: Hey, Leo. You shouldn’t take pictures here. Leo: __________
8. Ivy likes to _________. How strange she is! (A) talk to herself (B) help herself
(A) But it’s a great picture. (B) Sorry, I won’t do that again.
(C) make himself at home (D) behave himself
(C) I love this picture very much. (D) I will do that later.
9. If the weather _____ fine this Friday, we can go hiking. (A)was (B) will be (C) are (D) is
24. Woman: Wow, did you make the bread by yourself? Man: Yes. ____________
10. Boys, enjoy ______! Remember to go back home on time. (A) yourself (B) themselves
(A) Come on in and make yourself at home. (B) I was the early bird.
(C) yourselves (D) himself
(C) Do you want some? (D) Take it easy.
11. You guys ______ take pictures in the museum. It’s illegal.(違法的)
25. Ann: I should get a skirt for the party, but I have no money.
(A) should (B) have to (C)mustn’t (D) need to
Zoe: _________ I can lend you a new one.
12. Poor Jack works hard day and night, but he still doesn’t have a to buy a house.
(A) Just do your best. (B) Stop asking me for help. (C) I’m not that scared. (D) No worries.
(A)service (B) chance (C) goose (D) choose
三、克漏字測驗:10% 36. What can we learn from the poem?
(26-30) (A)The sun traveled around the world with the child.
Rose: Did you enjoy your trip to Kenting wth your family?
Linda: It’s great, but I saw some trash on the street. It’s really a 26. . (B)The moon and stars were the sun’s good friends.

Rose: That’s terrible! Did you 27. it 27. and throw it away? (C)The sun shines brightly on everyone and everything.

Linda: Yes. We tried our best 28. the place. (D)The children of the world don’t want the sun to appear.

Rose: We 29. care for our earth, 30. we will hurt ourselves. 37. There are two speakers in this poem. Who are they?

Linda: That’s right. throw away 丟棄 (A) The moon and the star. (B) The sun and the child. (C) The bird and the flower.

26.(A)problem (B)practice (C)question (D)prepare (D) The star and the child.

27.(A)give; up (B)take; off (C)pick; up (D)put; on (38-39)

Ivy: Wow, watch the news on TV. It’s snowing in Wulai, New Taipei City now. That’s so
28.(A)cleaned (B)to clean (C)cleaner (D)was cleaning
beautiful! Let’s go play in the snow there.
29.(A)can (B)will (C) would like to (D)must
Laura: Don’t count me in. It’s too cold and wet outside. I just want to stay home.
30.(A)or (B)so (C)but (D)and Ivy: Come on ! I didn’t see snow before. We can take a hot spring bath there, too. It’ll be
(31-35) interesting to do them at the same time.
Kate went bird 31. in the mountains for the first time last Sunday. The mountains are far Laura: I don’t think so. In fact, because of the global warming, the weather really changes a lot
and difficult to reach, so Kate 32. two hours driving there. After she got to the mountains, and it is different from that before.
she started her hike right away. She hiked through the forest and listened to the birds 33. Ivy: I see ! Year after year, global warming gets worse around the world. For example, it
along the way. Suddenly, she saw two green birds fly from 34. tree to 34. . “ 35. kills numbers of the polar bears in the Arctic.
Laura: Right ! It’s not a good time for fun. For the Earth, everybody should care more about
pretty birds,” Kate thought.
31.(A) looking (B) watch (C)watching (D)see the problem. All of us can do a little for the Earth every day, like saving energy.
Ivy: I got it ! So let’s turn off the heater now.
32. (A)spent (B)took (C)cost (D)paid
Laura: No way ! It keeps me warm during this terrible season.
33.(A)sang (B)sings (C)danced (D)singing
 global warming 全球暖化 the Arctic 北極 energy 能源 heater 暖氣機
34.(A)some; others (B)one; another (C)one; the other (D)one; one
35.(A)Where (B)When (C)Why (D)What
四、閱讀測驗:20% 38. Which is true about global warming from the dialogue ?
(A) People don’t have to care about it too much.
Read the following poem and answer the questions. (36-37)
(B) With it, the Earth becomes a great place for people to live in.
Good morning, Mr. Sunshine, I did not go to sleep, dear child, (C) It makes today’s weather in many countries the same as it was before.
How did you wake so soon? I just went round to see (D) People can do with it by saving energy in life every day.
You scared away the little stars, The little children of the world 39. What do the words “do them” mean in the dialogue ?
And shone away the moon! Who watch and wait for me. (A) Watch snow and go to a hot spring.
I saw you go to sleep last night I shine on the little birds (B) Watch TV and have snacks.
Before I stopped my play. And flowers on my way, scare 嚇跑 (C) Stay inside and do math homework.
How did you get back overhead And then I come back overhead (D) Turn off lights and close doors.
overhead 在天空
To shine on me today? To shine on you today.
(40-42) sicker.
The idea may hit you once or twice a year. You come home on a hot summer day, hoping to *Is COVID-19 dangerous to children?
have a cool bath, and find out there is no water. Then you see how important water is in your People are still learning about it, so we don’t have a lot of information yet. With fewer cases in
everyday life. However, in many parts of the world, water is not just about one’s everyday needs. kids, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to take care of yourself.
In Africa, water is hard to get, and the job of collecting water falls on women’s shoulders. *How can I protect myself from COVID-19?
Girls often need to stay at home and collect water while their brothers stay at school studying. .Keep your family home and away from others as much as possible.
Girls live 15 minutes from clean water and they can spend more time at school than those living an .Wash your hands often, always after using the restroom and several times a day for at least 20
hour away. More time spent collecting water means less time for learning. For these girls, seconds using soap and water, and then drying them.
“Knowledge is power” is not just words; it is a sad fact in real life. With less time spent at .Cover your mouth and nose with face masks.
school, their chances of getting well-paid jobs are small, and they often have no voice in important .Don’t touch your face if your hands aren’t clean.
matters, like who to marry. These girls are often married into poor families. They have little .Eat well, drink lots of water, and get enough sleep. The healthier you are, the better off you
money or knowledge to take care of their children. For the baby girls, their life may still center will be!
around “water,” just like it did for their mothers. coronavirus 冠狀病毒 pass 傳遞 microscope 顯微鏡 spread 傳播
 shoulder 肩膀 knowledge 知識 marry 結婚 center 集中 43. What do we learn from the reading?
40. What does “The idea” mean in the reading? (A) COVID-19 has spread all around the world.
(A) Water is not just about one’s everyday needs. (B) Young people and children will get COVID-19 easily.
(B) Water is important in one’s everyday life. (C) The coronavirus started in Taiwan.
(C) We should not take a bath when there is little water. (D) Coronaviruses didn’t kill anyone in the world.
(D) It is nice to have a cool bath on a hot summer day. 44. What is NOT the way to protect yourself from the virus?
41. What is the reading mostly about? (A) Put on a face mask when you are with other people.
(A) How water may give a country power. (B) Touch your face before washing hands.
(B) Why it is important to save water. (C) Try to make yourself healthy by eating and sleeping well.
(C) Why it is hard to get water in poor countries. (D) Wash your hands carefully.
(D) How water may play a part in one’s future. 45. Who might be in danger of catching COVID-19?
42. What do we know from the reading? (A)
(A) Children from poor families often have to take care of younger children at home.
She takes care of animals in the zoo. She is close to the animals.
(B) Girls in Africa make more money than the boys do.
(C) Girls spend little time at school, so they have a harder life when they grow up. (B)
(D) Children have to drink enough water every day. Billy
(43-45) He forgot to wear a coat to school this morning, and he felt cold all day at school.
At the end of 2019, a new type of coronavirus began making people sick. The word, corona,
itself is Latin for crown. Under a microscope, these viruses look like a crown. They can be Tom
passed from person easily through the air. The coronavirus, which started in the Chinese city of He came back from the USA on May 12, 2021. He had a fever, dry cough, and a
Wuhan, killed a lot of people and has spread all around the world. People name it COVID-19. a headache.
*What are the signs of COVID-19? (D)
It causes a fever and dry cough. It’s quite like having a cold. Most people get better with Jenny
time and rest. Older people or those who already have health problems are more likely to get She took a trip to Wuhan with her family ten years ago.
台南市歸仁國中 109 學年度第二學期第二次段考二年級英文科手寫卷
【請以黑色原子筆作答,記得繳回手寫卷】 三、依提示作答:6%

二年 班 號 姓名: 1. Which fruit does your brother like the most? (請用芭樂,寫出完整句子)

一、 選擇與圖意最相符的單字填入下方空格:每題 1 分,10%
(請勿任意變化單字,全對才給分) 2. Ben sings a song well. (請以 Ben 開頭,用比較級合併句子)
Jack sings a song badly.
slowly typhoon rainbow candle papaya
strawberry giant sharp choose balcony
wise pound vegetable hen dirty
3. Frank will come to the office tonight. (請用…….if……..合併句子)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please give the letter to him.


1. 我們應該打開收音機收聽最新的消息嗎?

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2. 越來越多人正在為這些兒童的權益而奮鬥。

二、 填充:(請填入最符合句意的答案)8%
1. Tina and I have to clean the kitchen ________________ (oneself).

2. James heard the girl _________________(tell) a story in the room.

3. Mom makes us _______________(wash) our hands before eating.

4. Peter ran _________________(quick) to the five boys.


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