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這是國民中學學生基本學力測驗數學科題本,題本採雙面印刷,共 7 頁,有 42 題選擇
題,每題都只有一個正確或最佳的答案。測驗時問從 14 : 10 到 15 : 20 ,共 70 分鐘。

1. 所有試題均為四選一的選擇題,答錯不倒扣。
2. 題本分為兩部分,請於作答前仔細閱讀各部分之說明。
3. 部分試題中的單字或片語加註中文,以利參考。
4. 依試場規則第七條規定:「答案卡上不得書寫姓名座號,也不得做任何標記。故意污


請依照題意從四個選項中選出一個正確或最佳的答案,並用 2B 鉛筆在答案卡上相應的

新塗黑答案。例如答案為B,則將 選項塗黑、塗滿,即:




1. The elephant is the biggest ________ in the zoo.

(A) animal (B) fable (C) person (D) plant

2. Michael Jackson is a famous __________. I like his songs.

(A) businessman (B) singer
(C) teacher (D) student

3. Mr. Brown told the waiter in the restaurant to keep the _____ as a tip.
(A) pizza (B) snack (C) change (D) soup

4. Don’t to close the doors and windows before you get out of the classroom.
(A) prepare (B) finish (C) grow (D) forget

5. It’s ______ for him to answer the difficult questions.

(A) interested (B) embarrassed
(C) impossible (D) happy

6. Miss Collins doesn’t feel good today, and she takes some ________.
(A) pictures (B) glasses (C) answers (D) medicine

7. If we are active, we can have many to make friends with different people.
(A) changes (B) opportunities (C) vendors (D) minutes

8. There are ________ glasses on the table.

(A) not (B) not some (C) no (D) no any

9. Cathy and I ______ to Tom’s birthday party last week.

(A) was invited (B) invited
(C) were invited (D) am invited

10. There ________ a good movie at the Hoover Theater.

(A) is going to is (B) is going to have
(C) will have (D) will be

11. I don’t know _______ Helen left without saying anything.

(A) how (B) why
(C) when (D) where

12. The teacher asked Sue an _____ question and she answered it _______.
(A) easy; easy (B) easily; easily (C) easy; easily (D) easily; easy

13. A: Who’s Mr. Lin?

B: ______________
(A) A nice teacher. (B) He is tall.
(C) My teacher. (D) Yes, he is my teacher.

14. A: Do you have a motorcycle?
B: _____________. But my brother does.
(A) Yes, I do. (B) Yes, I have.
(C) Of course. (D) No, I don’t.

15. A: Does Mrs. Wang have to cook dinner every day?

B: ___________________
(A) Yes, she has. (B) Yes, she does.
(C) No, she doesn’t have. (D) No, she hasn’t to.

16. Peter: Is that Mr. and Mrs. Wang’s car? It’s very beautiful.
Tom: No, it’s not _______. Maybe it’s Mr. Brown’s.
(A) their (B) they (C) theirs (D) his

17. She is twenty years old, but she looks older.

(A) She is twenty years older than she looks.
(B) She looks older than she really is.
(C) She is more than twenty years old.
(D) She is younger than she was twenty years ago.

Living in Hualien is comfortable because the air is fresh and there are more trees and
flowers. But the (21) is the biggest problem that people have for many, many years.
Taking a train from Hualien to Taipei usually takes them (22) three hours. Taking a bus or
driving (23) is even slower. That’s why they often pay more money to take a plane.
People say a free high way from Yi-lan to Hualien is going to be built in several years. If
it’s so, it’ll be (24) for people in Hualien to communicate with people who live in the west
18. (A) typhoon (B) traffic (C) life (D) mountain
19. (A) right away (B) at the right time
(C) more than (D) on business
20. (A) themselves (B) shopping
(C) accidents (D) dangerous
21. (A) on our way to Taipei (B) all the time
(C) have a good time (D) much more convenient
One day, a woman wasn’t feeling well. She wanted to stay home for a rest. So she
asked her husband to take care of their baby boy and did some shopping. Her husband said yes
and took the baby to the supermarket. He put the baby in the shopping cart and looked for
what he was going to buy.
At first all was well, but then, the baby suddenly began to cry. He cried, cried, and cried.
“Keep quiet, Tommy,” the man said. Don’t get excited. Don’t be angry, Tommy.”
A woman in the supermarket heard him saying these words. She walked up to him and
said, “Sir, you are wonderful. You are so nice to your little Tommy.”
“Madam,” said the man, “I am Tommy. He’s Jacky.”

22. The man said, “Keep quiet. Don’t be angry,” to ____.

(A) his wife (B) himself (C) his baby (D) the woman in the supermarket.
23. The husband went to the supermarket because _____.
(A) he enjoy shopping cart 手推車
(B) he loved to spend his time with his baby
(C) there was a big sale in the supermarket
(D) he loved his wife and he hoped she could get well soon
Many children would ask why the frog is so ugly. Actually, being ugly helps it stay alive.
The frog lives on flies. It can eat eighty-six flies in ten minutes. Its brown color makes it look
like earth. For this reason, most flies can’t see it easily, but it can see them. The way it looks
also protects it from snakes. If the frogs were brightly colored like some birds, snakes could see
them much more easily.

24. Which is the most important idea of the reading?

(A)The frog’s color helps him live longer. frog 青蛙
(B)The frog isn’t good-looking.
(C)The frog eats flies very quickly. ugly 醜
(D)Snakes like to eat frogs.
25. We can tell from the reading that . fly 蒼蠅
(A)frogs might eat snakes. (B) frogs might eat birds.
(C)flies might eat frogs. (D) snakes might eat frogs.
26. Why can’t most flies see frogs easily?
(A) Frogs are too small.
(B) The color of the frog makes it look like earth.
(C) Frogs are very ugly.
(D) Frogs have bright colors.
Ted worked in a factory in a big town. He liked fishing very much, and was very good at
it. Every time when he was free, he went down to the small river in back of the factory and
tried to catch some fish, but there were very few there, because the water was very dirty. Then
one summer he went the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel.
“I’ve never fished in the sea before,” he thought. “It will be very different from fishing in
our river.”

On the first day he caught a lot of fish and was very happy. He gave them to the hotel, and
they cooked them for all the guests, and they enjoyed them very much. After that, he did the
same every day.
But when Ted got his bill at the end of the week, he saw on it: “For oil to cook fish (7
days): 4 dollars.”

27. Where did he often fish?

(A) In the lake. (B) In the pond.
(C) In the small river (D) In the sea.
28. Why did he not catch many fish?
(A) The water was dirty. (B) He wasn’t good at it.
(C) He didn’t go to catch them. (D) The water was too little.
29. Where did he go one summer?
(A) To the river. (B) To the mountains.
(C) To the country. (D) To the seaside.
30. What happened at the end of the week?
(A) He was asked to pay the bill for his fishing in the sea.
(B) He was asked to pay the bill for the oil to cook fish at the hotel.
(C) He was asked to pay the bill for calling.
(D) He was asked to pay the bill for taking the bus.
Many students in Taiwan are near-sighted. Most of them wear glasses, and few of them
wear contact lens. Many people believe that it is because students spend too much time
studying, watching TV or playing video games.
In fact, it is because students don’t take care of their eyes in right ways. When students
are studying, there must be enough light. A good desk light is very important. Students
should take a break every 40 minutes. Enough sleep, good nutrition and playing sports are
also helpful to eyes.

31. What is important to a student when he/she is studying?

(A) A large desk. (B) Enough light. near-sighted 近視
(C) An expensive TV. (D) Music.
32. In Taiwan, when students are near-sighted, most of them wear __________.
(A) glasses (B) contact lens (C) no glasses (D) nothing.
33. Getting enough sleep and playing sports are two right ways to take care of eyes, aren’t they?
(A) Yes, they are. (B) No, they don’t.
(C) Yes, they do. (D) No, they are.
Months ago, Summer met Bug in an Internet chat room. They never meet each other,
but they can talk a lot about weather and sports through the Internet. Because they have the
same interests, they become good friends soon. Bug always gives Summer a surprise; he
likes to play a joke on her. So Summer likes Bug very much, and she really wants to meet
him. One night, they met each other in the chat room.

(夏天)Summer 的電腦螢幕 (甲蟲)Bug 的電腦螢幕

Hi, Bug. How are you today, Summer?
Everything is OK. Why?
Can I ask you some questions?
I want to know more about you. Me? About what?
All about you. Are you Of course. I am as handsome as
handsome? a movie star!
Really! Which movie star? Tom Cruise.
Wow, he is my favorite movie Sure, tall and thin. I am single.
star. Are you tall?
Would you mind having a date Of course not! It’s time to go to
with me? bed. Bye!
Bye. Good night!

One night, Summer was waiting for Bug in a nice restaurant. Suddenly a short and heavy
man with a beer belly came into the restaurant. He saw Summer; then he came to her and
asked her, “Are you Summer? I’m Bug.”

34. Bug is _________.

(A) tall and thin (B) short and heavy Internet 網際網路
(C) handsome (D) married chat room 聊天室
35. Why does Summer like Bug? single 單身
(A) Because he can play basketball well. surprise 驚喜
(B) Because he can make a lot of money. beer belly 啤酒肚
(C) Because he always gives her a surprise and plays jokes on her.
(D) Because he always helps her.
36. Which one is true?
(A) Bug looked like Tom Cruise.
(B) Bug really played a joke on Summer this time.
(C) Summer wouldn’t be surprised after she saw Bug.
(D) The man who had a date with Summer in the restaurant wasn’t Bug because he was tall
and thin.


One day Mary’s teacher asked her to write a composition about her winter vacation. The
following is Mary’s composition. According to her composition, answer the following

My Winter Vacation
I had a wonderful winter in a garden. The garden is

vacation. During the winter very beautiful, and the girl

vacation, my father took us to looks happy. I dreamed that

the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. I would dance in the garden,

I saw a lot of paintings and too. On our way home I told

sculptures there. I was so Father that I wanted to go to

surprised at some of those the Taipei Fine Arts Museum

works. I liked a painting that again.

there is a little girl dancing

37. Where did Mary and Father go during the winter vacation?

(A) National Palace Museum composition 作文
(B) Taipei City Hall painting 圖畫
(C) Taipei City Zoo sculpture 雕塑品
(D) The Taipei Fine Arts Museum work 作品
dream 夢想
38. What does the little girl in the painting do?
(A) singing (B) dancing (C) sleeping (D) studying

39. According to this composition, which one is not true?

(A) There is a girl in the painting.
(B) Mary liked the painting very much.
(C) The garden in the painting is very beautiful.
(D) Mary visited the museum in summer vacation.
I am a policeman. My job is directing traffic. Because of me, people get to
their job on time. I help children get to school safely. People can walk safely across
the street. Is my job dangerous? Of course it is. All day long I stand in traffic.
Cars are driving fast all around me. Some drivers are terrible. They don't see very
well. Is my job comfortable? No, I stand in the sun or in the rain. The air is

terrible. Why do I do it? It's an important job.

40. What's a traffic cop's job?

(A) To run after bad people. direct 指揮
(B) To sell cars. cop 警察
(C) To direct traffic.
(D) To fight.
41. What kind of thing is NOT done by a traffic cop?
(A) To help young children go to school safely.
(B) To help people go to work on time.
(C) To play in traffic.
(D) To help people walk across the street.
42. Why is it dangerous to be a traffic cop?
(A) Some drivers are not careful.
(B) It's easy to be a cop.
(C) Traffic cops play in traffic.
(D) Traffic cops make money.

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