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萬試通會考 5A++ 模考特訓班

英 文 科 閱 讀 題 本 (第一回 1∼4 冊)


這是萬試通會考 5A++ 模考特訓班英文科閱讀題本,題本採雙面印刷,

共 13 頁,有 41 題選擇題,每題都只有一個正確或最佳的答案。測驗時

間共 60 分鐘。

1. 所有試題均為四選一的選擇題,答錯不倒扣。

2. 題本分為單題和題組兩部分。

3. 部分試題中的單字或片語加註中文,以利參考。


第一部分:單題(第 1-15 題,共 15 題)

1. Emily: What’s “spaghetti” in Chinese?

Gina: I’m not sure. Let me look it up in the ______.
(A) badminton (B) eraser (C) weather (D) dictionary

2. Jeremy: Wait! Don’t sit on the bench. The ______ is not dry yet.
Amy: Oh, no. These are my favorite shorts. I can’t ever wear them again.
(A) gas (B) heat (C) smoke (D) paint

3. Rita: How many ______ of sugar did you put in the soup? It is too sweet.
Ella: Three.
(A) spoons (B) drinks (C) grapes (D) brushes

4. Helen: I didn’t see you on the bus this morning.

Lois: Oh, my father ______ me up at the bus stop and drove me to school.
(A) threw (B) looked (C) picked (D) stopped

5. A baseball flew over and ______ George’s right arm. He couldn’t write for three
(A) cut (B) fixed (C) got (D) hit

6. Just say it out loud. Don’t be ______ of making mistakes when you learn English,
and you can have a chance to speak good English.
(A) afraid (B) worried (C) different (D) bad

7. Lisa: Excuse me, can you both talk ______? My baby is sleeping.
Joe & Ken: We’re sorry.
(A) loudly (B) quietly (C) correctly (D) seriously

8. Nancy: What are you doing with your pet, Rocky, in the yard?
John: Well, I ______ Rocky now.
(A) feed (B) am feeding (C) are feeding (D) is feeding

9. Amy is sitting in front of John. Ken is sitting in back of John. So John is sitting
______ Amy and Ken.
(A) between (B) at (C) from (D) under

10. Judy: Does Frank often go to the museum?

Nancy: No, he ______ does, but his wife usually does.
(A) also (B) still (C) really (D) seldom

11. Jacky: Can I give this comic book back to you the day after tomorrow?
I ______ able to finish it by tomorrow.
Sam: No problem!
(A) was (B) be (C) can be (D) will be

12. Tina: ______ a lot of fish in this river before.

Bill: Really? But I can’t see any now.
(A) There was (B) There are (C) There were (D) There is

13. Sam: ______ bike is that over there?

Judy: It’s Ben’s. His father bought it for him last month.
(A) Who (B) How (C) Which (D) Whose

14. My sister ______ me buy a ticket to the ball game for her because she was too busy
to get one by herself.
(A) asked (B) wanted (C) needed (D) had

15. Larry: Are we truly going to the mountains in this car?

Vicky: Yes. Don’t worry. The space inside is ______ it looks.
(A) than much larger (B) much than larger
(C) larger much than (D) much larger than

2 請翻頁繼續作答
第二部分:題組(第 16-41 題,共 26 題)


A few years ago, my friend and I were driving from Tainan to Kenting. There
was an accident on the highway, and we got into a traffic jam. My friend and I sat
and waited. We talked about our jobs, our families, and the terrible traffic. __16__
the cars started to move.
We noticed a black car on the side of the road. The driver wanted to get back
into the traffic, but every car passed without letting him in. I decided to do
something good, so I slowed down __17__ for him to get in line ahead of me. He
waved to me to express his thanks, and I waved back at him.
All the cars __18__ to stop at a tollbooth a short way down the road. I held out
my money to pay my toll, but the lady just smiled and waved me on. I was so
surprised that I asked her why I could pass without paying money. She told me that
the man in the black car had already paid my toll. Wasn’t that a nice way of saying
thank you?
 accident 意外 highway 高速公路 jam 堵塞 express 表達
tollbooth 收費站 toll 過路費

16. (A) Slowest

(B) Slowly
(C) Be slow
(D) Slower

17. (A) a little

(B) very
(C) some
(D) enough

18. (A) have

(B) has
(C) had
(D) have had


Joe: Hey, how was the birthday party last night?

May: Uh, it’s a long story. Before the party, my parents took me to an all-you-can-eat
buffet restaurant. There were many kinds of __19__ in that restaurant. I was very
hungry, and I wanted to try every dish, so I ate a lot. I had some steak, spaghetti,
one big hamburger, a hot dog, two pieces of pizza, and two scoops of strawberry
ice cream.
Joe: Wow, that’s really a lot!
May: Yeah, the restaurant even gave me a chocolate cake for free because it was my
Joe: Did you finish that, too?
May: Yes, but after that I started to feel sick. I was too __20__.
Joe: Sorry to hear that. What about the party?
May: I couldn’t go out to celebrate with my friends, so all of them came to my house.
We stayed home, watched a movie together, and chatted all night.
Joe: That was lovely!
May: Yeah! I didn’t feel well, but __21__ I had my friends with me.
Joe: Good for you!
 all-you-can-eat 吃到飽 buffet 自助餐 scoop 一球 chat 聊天

19. (A) food

(B) lettuce
(C) package
(D) salt

20. (A) delicious

(B) thirsty
(C) full
(D) sweet

21. (A) for free

(B) for sale
(C) would like
(D) at least
4 請翻頁繼續作答

When Miyazaki Hayao(宮崎駿)was a little boy, he was not healthy, and it was
difficult for him to go out with his classmates. At that time, Japan, where he was born,
was at war with other countries. He always had an interest in watching airplanes flying
overhead and then drawing what he saw on paper.
After he became an animator at the age of 22, he decided he wanted to change the
world with his works. In his works, he often showed how children thought about the
world and taught us how to love nature. For example, in his world-famous work My
Neighbor Totoro finished in 1988, he showed the way children saw the world and the
peaceful life in the country in Japan.
In 2013, he told reporters that The Wind Rises would be the last work he ever did.
He may not be an animator in the future, but his works have made the world better and
inspired many young animators who want to follow in his footsteps to change the
world with great works of art.
 war 戰爭 animator 動畫師 peaceful 寧靜的 footstep 腳步

22. What does the word “inspire” mean?

(A) To make someone lose interest in doing something.
(B) To make someone have a strong interest in doing something.
(C) To teach someone in a serious way.
(D) To make someone famous around the world.

23. Which is NOT true about My Neighbor Totoro?  countryside 鄉間

(A) It is Miyazaki Hayao’s work, and he finished it in 1988.
(B) Children flying airplanes can be seen in it.
(C) It shows a peaceful life in the countryside in Japan.
(D) Miyazaki Hayao began working on it after he was 22.

24. Which is NOT true about Miyazaki Hayao?

(A) He wanted to change the world with his works.
(B) The Wind Rises may be the last work of his life.
(C) He loved to see airplanes flying when he was a kid.
(D) He found an interest in drawing after he became an animator.


Dear Karen,
We’re going to have a party next Saturday, September 12. Anyone that doesn’t
have a boyfriend or girlfriend is welcome to join us. We will prepare a barbecue,
delicious drinks, and interesting games for everyone. We believe you can find your
“Mr. Right” at this party. If you’d like to come, please reply to this letter by e-mail
before September 8. This way, we will know the number of people who will come.
We’re looking forward to seeing you.

Time: 6:30 p.m. ~ 9:30 p.m.

Place: Tomato Restaurant
Simon Taylor
Single Noble Club 08.31
Service E-mail:

 reply 回應 look forward to 期待 service 服務 website 網站

25. How can Karen join this party?

(A) By telephone.  through 經由
(B) Through the TV.
(C) By talking to Simon.
(D) By sending an e-mail.

26. Which is true about the letter?

(A) Simon Taylor is going to hold a birthday party for Karen.
(B) Karen doesn’t have a boyfriend right now.
(C) The party will be held at a restaurant for three and a half hours.
(D) Karen will hold a party for all of her lonely friends.

6 請翻頁繼續作答
(Read Sandra’s diary and answer the questions.)
September 25, Friday
Early this morning I had a terrible dream. In a house, there was no light. I
couldn’t even see my own hands and feet. I didn’t know where I was. I tried to call my
parents, but I couldn’t find my cellphone. I wanted to know what time it was, but I
couldn’t see my watch. How bad! I walked slowly around the house, and I tried to find
the door or the windows. I was so surprised that there seemed to be no end at all. Then
I shouted loudly. I only heard my own voice. Suddenly, I saw a light over my head. Oh
my, it was the moon. I was so happy that I jumped up and down several times. At that
time, I found my mom and dad lying on the floor. They seemed dead. I closed my eyes
and cried out, “Who can help them?” A few minutes later, I opened my eyes and found
my mom sitting on my bed. She patted me on the head and said, “Good girl, it’s just a
dream. Don’t be afraid. I’m here!”
Thank you, Mom, for always being there for me.
 diary 日記 seem 似乎 pat 輕拍

27. What happened to Sandra this morning?

(A) She lost her cellphone.
(B) She got lost in the park.
(C) She had a bad dream.
(D) She found a strange man in her bedroom.

28. Which is true about the dream?

(A) Sandra stayed in a house by herself.
(B) Sandra stayed in a house with her parents.
(C) Sandra was afraid to see the light from the moon.
(D) Sandra was happy to see her mom lying on the bed.


Look at the bulletin board at Josh’s school.

Some English storybooks for sale Where is my dog?

About thirty books. Fifty dollars for Her name is Spot. I lost her at the
each one. If you want to learn playground yesterday. She is cute
English, buy them. and white. Please call Gini at
Ariel 0981-325-904 0935-909-119.

Soda Green is coming! We need you!

Want to play on the school
Do you like their songs? Here they
basketball team? You have the
are! They will bring the best songs chance to make your dreams come
for us. Let’s join the greatest music true. Come to the basketball tryout
party tomorrow! 7:30 p.m. Friday at the gym after school today. You
might be a star!

 bulletin board 佈告欄 tryout 選拔賽

29. What does “one” mean?

(A) A dog. (B) A song.
(C) A book. (D) A basketball team.

30. Michael enjoys reading books. What can he do?

(A) Go to the music party.
(B) Find the dog at the playground.
(C) Call Ariel for the books.
(D) Join the basketball tryout at the gym.

31. Which is true?

(A) There is a music party this Friday morning.
(B) Gini lost her cat at the playground yesterday.
(C) The basketball tryout is on Thursday.
(D) Ariel’s cellphone number is 0935-909-119.
8 請翻頁繼續作答

The “High-Vis Chicken Jackets” were made by Omlet, the factory which makes
different kinds of clothes for pets. Paul, the boss of the factory, said many people had
asked about this kind of thing, so he decided to make it.
More and more people like to keep chickens as pets. The jackets made by Omlet
are used to keep the pets safe. The colors of the jacket are bright enough for the
chickens to be seen easily by car drivers or motorcycle riders. The jackets have only
been on the market for one week, but around 200 have been sold. The jackets are also
very important for some kinds of chickens because they have fewer feathers than the
others. However, the High-Vis jackets are not made for sleeping, so the owners have to
take them off for their chickens before they sleep. Also, don’t put the jackets on the
chickens if it is too warm in the house or too hot outside.
Chickens are not the first pet to wear High-Vis. A growing number of pets are
dressed by their owners for the same health and safety reasons. However, there are a
few problems for the jacket. Some people said the High-Vis Jackets look like the ones
made for guide dogs. Besides, many dogs don’t like the colors of the jackets and bark
when they see one.
 feather 毛 owner 飼主 safety reason 安全考量 bark 吠叫

32. What does “it” mean in the reading?

(A) The jacket. (B) The chicken.
(C) The motorcycle. (D) The pet.

33. Which is NOT true about High-Vis?

(A) Many dogs don’t like the colors of High-Vis.
(B) More and more people are buying High-Vis for their pets.
(C) It’s easier for people to see pets if pets wear High-Vis.
(D) High-Vis is for pets to wear when they are sleeping on cold nights.


Anna is planning her trip to Abel Tasman National Park next week. And here she
got two tour plans to choose from.
Plan 1 Full-Day Tour
You always want to experience the famous Abel Tasman National Park, but you
don’t have enough time? This one-day water taxi tour can make your dream come true!
You’ll take the water taxi from Marahau, the water taxi base, to Torrent Bay to see the
sea elephants. And then you’ll visit Awaroa Bay to have lunch on the beautiful beach
and then go to Takaka to enjoy the wonderful landscape of Abel Tasman. Our water
taxi will take you home at around 4 p.m. the same day at Takaka.
Plan 2 Two-Day Tour
If you want to experience more, our friendly tour guides will lead you to visit this
“wonderland”. You will start off at Marahau at 8 a.m. and after 4 hours of walk, you
will get to Torrent Bay, the most famous beach in Abel Tasman, for lunch. After lunch,
you will go through exciting events like swing bridges and river crossing. In the
evening, you will arrive at Awaroa Bay and stay there for one night. The next day, you
will walk along the beautiful hill track from Awaroa Bay to Takaka. Don’t miss those
special animals and plants on the way! Finally, you will finish the tour by taking the
water taxi from Takaka to Marahau.
 tour 旅遊 landscape 景色 tour guide 導遊 event 事件 track 步道

34. Look at the map. Which route might be Plan 1 on?  route 路線

(A) ○
A. (B) ○
B . (C) ○
C . (D) ○

10 請翻頁繼續作答
35. Which of the following has the closest meaning to “wonderland”?
(A) A friendly tour guide.  following 下列的
(B) An exciting trip.
(C) A beautiful place.
(D) A special plant.

36. According to the two tour plans, which is true?

(A) You’ll stay at Awaroa Bay for one night if you choose Plan 1.
(B) You’ll walk through some swing bridges if you choose Plan 1.
(C) You can find sea elephants in Abel Tasman National Park.
(D) The water taxi base is at Torrent Bay.


Mr. Chang: Check this out. Being a waiter or waitress becomes the most popular job in
my class this year, and it was not even in the top five last year.
Ms. Huang: Really? What was the most popular job last year?
Mr. Chang: Let me see. Last year it was singers. This year it falls to the fifth.
Ms. Huang: Why do your students become so interested in restaurants?
Mr. Chang: They say they like eating delicious food and also many famous restaurants
pay well. Speaking of money, more and more students want to run their
own shops or stores because they want to make money and put the money
in their own pocket. So, being a boss was our fifth last year, but this year it
takes the third place.
Ms. Huang: Interesting. It looks as if they choose their jobs because of money.
Mr. Chang: Not really. Look! “Fashion designers” stays in our top five for two years,
and “video game testers” kicks out “lawyers” and climbs to our fourth this
year. They say those jobs are more fun. In fact, I like this change. In the
past, we chose our jobs for our parents. Now, most teenagers choose theirs
because of their interests.
 fashion designer 時裝設計師 tester 試驗員

 research 調查

37. What do we learn from the dialogue?
(A) Mr. Chang does this research every year.
(B) Ms. Huang’s students like to work for money.
(C) Ms. Huang chose her job because she liked it.
(D) Mr. Chang may be a high school teacher.

38. According to Mr. Chang, how do teenagers in these years choose their dream jobs?
(A) Based on money.  according to 根據
(B) Based on their own interests.
(C) Based on their parents’ interests.
(D) Based on the change of the world.

39. Which shows the ranking this year?  ranking 排名

(A) ① singer ② waiter/waitress ③ fashion designer ④ lawyer ⑤ boss
(B) ① singer ② fashion designer ③ boss ④ video game tester ⑤ waiter/waitress
(C) ① waiter/waitress ② fashion designer ③ boss ④ video game tester ⑤ singer
(D) ① waiter/waitress ② fashion designer ③ lawyer ④ video game tester ⑤ singer

12 請翻頁繼續作答

How much do you know about the Mississippi River? It is an important river in
the USA. It runs through many states, from Minnesota to Louisiana. There are many
bridges crossing the river. They help people go from the east to the west. Also, the
Mississippi River carries people and lots of things to other states. So, there are many
different boats going on it every day, like riverboats, houseboats, and barges. Most
important of all, it is home to over 250 species of fish! It is a river full of vitality, isn’t

 through 經過 state 州 species 物種 vitality 活力

40. Which river on the map is the Mississippi River?

(A) River A. (B) River B. (C) River C. (D) River D.

41. Which is NOT true about the reading?

(A) The Mississippi River runs through two states only.
(B) The word “barge” means a kind of boat.
(C) There are many different fish in the Mississippi River.
(D) The Mississippi River is in America.


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