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Select the Instance you want to take AMI, In Actions Click on Create Image

Create Image
In Images Section You Can Find Your AMI , Launch your Instance from the AMI
with Same security Group and Keypair of our Previous Instance

After Launching Instance Create SG for Load balancer with Inbound Rules
HTTP from Anywhere…
Note: Do not Touch or Edit the Outbound Rules
Allow Load Balancer SG in your Instance SG with Inbound Rule All traffic

Create Target Group

Select Instances as a target type , Name your target group and click next

Select your Instances you want and click on Include as pending below.
Note: Here you have to select your Main Instance and Other Instance you
created with AMI…So you have to select two Instances
Click on Create Target group

Click on Create Load Balancer

Create an Application Load Balancer

Select Two or More Zones For High Availability

Select our Loadbalancer SG and Target Group

Click on Create Load Balancer

Wait For the Loadbalancer to get in Active state …After that copy the DNS

Paste The Load balancer Endpoint in Browser to see our Website

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