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Create SG for RDS allowing our Instance to connect at port 3306

Go to RDS service and you can see the dashboard shown below
Now Create Database MySQL with Version 5.7.30

Now Select Free Tier

Now Name your Database-Instance And Create User with Password
Here you can select Auto Generate passwd for random passwd

Here you can enable Auto Scaling For High Availability

Now select your SG that we have created before for RDS

Now Click on Additional Configuration

Create Database <Here I have Created my db with name ‘accounts’>

You can Enable Detail Monitoring but it is chargeable & Click on Create
You can see your database in creating state , wait for few minutes

Now you can see the Endpoint once it is created copy that endpoint.
Now ssh to your Instance and do apt update
# sudo -i
# sudo apt update

Now install mysql Client “mariadb-server”

# sudo apt install mariadb-server -y
Now Connect to your RDS with its Endpoint
# mysql -h <Endpoint> -u <username> -p
Hit Enter and enter your passwd of your RDS Instance

Once you are connect with your RDS, verify your db that you have created in
> show databases;
Here you can able to see your database .

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