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Student 1

1. V_______ areas of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed

2. Her remarks were met with r___________ cheers.
3. The forecast had been d_________ but wrong.
4. Jimmy Johnstone's life after football has been a catalogue of de-
feats and d________ failures.
5. He had a boyish, slightly abstracted look, that was his most
e________ expression.
6. Church members express a belief in e_______- life after death.
7. Sikes' new movie received a l__________ reaction from critics.
8. Kevin made one last f_______ attempt to persuade Sandra to go
with him, then left.
9. They face the f_________ task of working out a peace plan.
10. By 1880 there were about a thousand hotels in the scheme which
proved a r__________ success.
11. An u__________ number of cars entered the race.
12. V__________ distances separate one isolated community from an-
13. Louise’s complete honesty was one of her most e_________
14. The refugees arrived in v_______ numbers from villages all along
the border.
15.It turned out that, among his other e_________ qualities, George
was an exceedingly impatient man.
16.Higher education for the deaf receives the same l________
17.The couple lived in a d______ apartment in the poorest section of
18.The forecast had been d_______ but wrong.
19. Sundays he slept even later than usual, in a f________ effort to
avoid the day.

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