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Topic : dead penalty for corruptors (agree)


1. Do you think that take people’s money with the power is fair?
2. Is corruption allowable to get punishment even a dead penalty?

How to convince

I believe that dead penalty is fair enough and important especially to our country, indonesia-
which is legal. This punishment is defenfed on the grounds that society has a moral obligation to
protect the safety and welfare of its citizens. Only by putting corruptors to death , society ensure
that convicted corruptors will decrease for losses to the state and people's welfare.

Research by Gallup News, 91% corruption spread throughout the goverment in indonesia which
higher than another southeast asian country. It is very crucial to our country to reduces the number
of committed crimes.

Main points

I have 3 reasons why the dead penalty should be allowed to punish corruptors

1. The crimial justice system is fair, criminal must face the consequencese of their action. It
will provide a deterrent effect for criminals that caused citizens loss.
2. It is cheaper to execute people. The fact that, it was actually more expensive to keep them
in jail for life than a dead penalty instead loss people are suffering outside.
3. the threat of execution influences criminal behavior more effectively than
imprisonment does.


After all, as a youth let's continue to improve ourselves in positive way, avoid corruption, because
corruption eats away at governance, moral fibre , and destroys trust.
Theory , persuasive speech – how you can convince the people

How to open presentation

1. By story, a personal experience

2. Asking question, find a question that relate to audience into the topic
- With simple question using past tense

How to convince your audience that yor topic is matters

With strategy, choose one of them that may convince the audiences

1. Give our audience example to illustrate the importance of the topic

2. Providing evidence by an expert : research, data, information
3. Providing data, facts, graph, statistics

Main points

- Solve the problem of the topics

- Tips or advantages

How to close

1. Summarize : restate your main points (it shows that,..)

2. Take action : persuade audience to do something, an advice (let’s, stop)
3. Quotations : simple and memorable that relate by topics

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