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Inheritance of Blood

1.How does forensic science use blood inheritance to identify suspects and solve
Forensic scientists can compare DNA found at a crime scene (from blood or hair, for example)
to DNA samples taken from suspects.

2.What role does DNA play in blood inheritance, and how is it used in forensic

The genetic material in DNA allows the identification of the perpetrator by the processing and
the analysis of biological evidence transferred in the crime scene

3.How do forensic scientists use blood typing to analyze blood evidence found at a
crime scene?

Blood from crime scenes can be analyzed to determine their blood type

4.What are the limitations of blood inheritance analysis in forensic investigations,

and how can these be addressed?

that it cannot recreate the entire scenario, as there are unknown variables that analysts cannot
account for using scientific methods.

5. How do legal and ethical considerations impact the use of blood inheritance
evidence in criminal trials?
These issues include basic human error and human bias, linking innocent people to crimes,
privacy rights, and a surge in racial disparities.If the evidence team at the scene or the lab
accidentally combines the material from multiple people, it is possible to generate one DNA
profile. That profile could be highly inaccurate.

6.How can the inheritance of blood be used to establish familial relationships and
identify missing persons

To identify unidentified human remains (UHR), the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

profile recovered from the UHR must be matched to a nominated DNA profile from the
long-term missing person (LTMP) or their genetic relative(s).

7. What are some of the ethical issues surrounding the use of blood inheritance
evidence in family law cases, such as inheritance disputes and child custody battles?
There are a few ethical dilemmas that cause people concern. Being able to actually
procure the information that lies in the DNA's structure could result in people being
discriminated against for a job or insurance coverage. Another issue that causes
controversy is the prospect of selection of fetuses during pregnancy.

8. How does the inheritance of blood relate to the history of forensic science, and
what breakthroughs have been made in recent years?
The pattern of blood stains can help in reconstruction of a crime scene by conveying
information about the relative position and movement of the criminal and victim at the crime
scene.Common forensic science breakthroughs include forensic molecular biology (DNA),
forensic chemistry, trace evidence examination.

9.What impact has the inheritance of blood had on the criminal justice system, and
how have forensic scientists used this evidence to exonerate innocent individuals?
DNA can be used to identify criminals with incredible accuracy when biological evidence
exists, and DNA can be used to clear suspects and exonerate persons mistakenly accused or
convicted of crimes.

10.How can we use our understanding of blood inheritance and forensic science to
create a more just and equitable legal system?
We can use the data given from the blood of DNA to help make the accuracy of
individuals so they don't get wrongly accused.

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