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 The influence of burnout dimensions and sleep difficulties on the quality of life

among preclinical- phase medical school students was assessed. Second year
medical students from Fluminense Federal University (Brazil) were invited 30 days
in to the semester to complete self- administered questionaires at the end of a
lecture. The data sample was acquired fom 3 different classes during 3
consecutive semesters. Medical students were shown to be emotionally
exhausted and suffering from sleep difficulties. Burnout and sleep difficulties
were related to a decrease of psychological wellbeing and physical health among
preclinical medical students.

Mikkelsen, H. T., Småstuen, M. C., Haraldstad, K., Helseth, S., Skarstein, S., & Rohde, G.
(2022). Changes in health-related quality of life in adolescents and the impact of gender
and selected variables: a two-year longitudinal study. Health and quality of life
outcomes, 20(1), 1-11.

 Health related quality of life (HRQOL) changes over time was investigated in
adolescents aged 14- 16. A longitudinal study involving 211 adolescents was
conducted and sociodemographic variables, pain, self esteem, self efficacy,
loneliness, and stress were assessed with well validated instuments. When the
variables were added to the linear mixed models, pain, lonliness, and stress were
notably and independently linked with a reduction in health related quality of life.
A substancial drop in the HRQOL in adolescents' in regards to physical and
psychological wellbeng for the ages between 14- 16 years old.

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