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Some people say that music is good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Nowadays, people are getting away from each other there is no specific reason behind that, but busy
working schedules can be the reason. So some people think that in order to make people closer to
each other and learn various cultures and new ideas, music can be a way through it. I firmly believe
this and I think music can be the chain breaker. I agree with the statement that is made. In this essay,
I will discuss the argument and give some reasons to support it.

People these days are equipped with their work and don't have time to do some social activities.
However, music can be a great way of bringing them together because people can spend time
listening to the music of different traditions. This leads them to learn new things and some details
about the various cultures and the people of that particular community. For instance, every year in
India music festivals are organized and a plethora of artists from numerous regions are invited to
participate so that their listeners can get a variety of music and can learn about new traditions
depicted in the music verses and the way singers sing the songs.

Secondly, people don't have time to spend with their families so it became impossible for them to
spend some time within the community they live in. Organizing some music programs can help to
rejoice and enjoy. Such occasions can lead to knowing something new about different people living
together and also full fill the age gaps between the younger and the elder part of society as a result,
they both can know better about each other. Music provides entertainment opportunities to the
people of society.

In conclusion, music can be a good source to inform people about the communities they live in and
fulfill the age gaps. I agree with it and music can help to know the tradition of different people and
provide an entertainment chance as a result, they can come together.


No of words: 325

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