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Vishal Jeet v.

Union of India

Several directions were issued to end the sexual exploitation of children. The court issued
directions to the state government to set up rehabilitation homes for the children found begging
in the streets and also minor girls pushed into ‘flesh trade’ to protective homes.

Sheela Barse v. the Secretary Children’s Aid Society & Ors

The petition was filed in public interest with regard to improper functioning of childcare
institution in Mumbai, The Supreme Court directed that in no case should a child kept in jail and
a central law must be enacted to bring uniformity in the juvenile justice system.

Kishan Pattnayak v. State of Orissa

Poor people were forced to sell children to buy food. The Orissa government was compelled to
take several welfare actions. The petitioner wrote a letter to the Supreme court of India bringing
to the court’s notice the extreme poverty of the Kalahandi in Orissa where hundreds of people
were dying due to starvation as a result they were forced to sell their children. This case has taken
the issue of the lack of food and poverty. In this judgment, the Supreme Court took significant
steps in implementing irrigation projects in order to reduce drought and certain measures were
taken in order to ensure fair selling prices.

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