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Subject: Psychological First Aid

Course: ……………. (Guess Paper by Dr. Bilal Ahmad Lone)

Time (1:15) Hours Course Code: PSY122S
Max. Marks: 50 Min. Marks: 20

Section A
Q1: Who has developed the RAPID Model?
a: Abraham Maslow
b: John Dewey
c: Johns Hopkins
d: Sigmund Freud
Q2: PFA stands for
a: Physical first Aid
b:Psychological first aid
c; All of the above
d: none of the above
Q3: The PFA training model uniquely offers…………………
a: knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA)
b: Known, skills and attitudes
c: Knowledge, speciality and attitudes
d: All of the above
Q4: Intervention means
a: (Prevent harm and improve functioning)
b: Decide the order of treatment
c: Rapport building, and stabilization
d: All of the above
Section B
Q:1 Define Rapport building, and stabilization?
Q.2 What is Triage?
Q.3 Write down the meaning of PFA?
Q.4 Define assessment?

Section C
Q.3 Discuss the History of Psychological first aid?
Explain goals of psychological first aid?
Q.4 Discuss the new approach to psychological intervention that consisted of three core
Explain the integration of two conceptual and practical foundations of PFA?

Section D
Q.13 Discuss the core competencies of psychological first aid ?
Q.14 Explain RAPID model?

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