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How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

How to “Get Rich

Slowly But Surely”
On the Internet

- by Stuart Stirling

- Congratulations! You have free giveaway rights to this report! -

Please feel free to giveaway this report to anyone you feel could benefit

from the information I share on how to Get Rich Slowly But Surely. Give it

away to build a list, or give it away on your ‘thank you’ pages as an added

bonus or forward it to your subscribers as a freebie they will love. 1
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

- Introduction -

Hello! Thanks for taking the time to read this short report. This short but

informative report is dedicated to all those opportunity seekers who want

to find the the latest and greatest “get rich quick”, but can’t.

For starters, if you’re looking for the “Magic Bullet” that will make you

rich overnight, you’re obviously not going to find it here (just look at the

title of this report). And quite frankly, if you do ever find a way to make a

quick buck, that’s all it will be, a flash in the pan, extremely hard to

replicate again, and you’ll be waiting for the next “new scam” to make a

quick buck on that may not necessarily come. Would you want to base

your income on something as unstable as that? What’s wrong with them?

Are they afraid to put in a little hard work? Nothing solid (as in income)

will come from jumping from program to program, scam to scam or worse,

lying to people what they have can make you $XXXXX thousands of

dollars in XXX days. Truly, who are they trying to kid? 2
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

In this report, I want to give you a brief rundown of what it takes to build a

real online “Business”. One with a solid foundation that you can nurture

and grow until you can start making enough money to finally quit your day

job and work for yourself at your own leisure. I’ll tell you now, if you’re

not prepared to give it some thought and effort mixed with a little bit of

patience, you’ll find it hard to make money online. The money isn’t in the

quick cash programs, the subscriber list or in the products.

- The money is in the business. -

For those that don’t know me, my name is Stuart Stirling and I have been

online since the beginning of 2006. I didn’t stat making money until early

2007. Fancy that! It took me a whole year to actually start making money

online. The first year was necessary for me to build and learn this

business. Yes, 1 year! You might think that’s too long to wait. Others

might drop their jaws in awe. For most people, 1 year is very fast.

So what’s with all these claims of “You can make $1000 per day typing”, 3
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

or, “I made over $100,000 in my first 24 hours online!” Guess what, 99.9%

of it is a lie. Don’t believe it. So who can you believe? It’s hard to know

who to trust. On the internet in this day and age, it’s getting harder and

harder to find someone who you can rely on to help you with anything. If

you want to find out who the real money makers online are, you’ll be able

to find them. Subscribe to their email lists. See what sort of content they

deliver. Write them an email and see what kind of response you get.

Remember, they are human after all.

- The computer screen armor - LOSE IT! -

A lot of people online find comfort behind their computer screen. It offers

a kind of protection or shield that they can hide behind. As you and I know,

it’s not real. This is a mistake that people trying to make money online

make. And this is part of the reason why the general public sees online

business as a scam. Don’t forget that behind every computer screen,

there is a human being with a brain and feelings. What I’m trying to get at

here has a lot to do with person ability. 4
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

For every successful business out there, whether online or off, has a face

behind it. There is no hiding in business and any attempt to, is going to be

detrimental to your progress. Business is more than just a one-man-show.

Sure you can start out on your lonesome but the time will come when

you’re going to need a helping hand or a chance comes along to do a joint

venture project. People skills are just as important in an online business

as they are in a brick and mortar store in your local suburbs. Treat it like

a business, because, it is one!

- You must realize that YOU CAN DO IT! -

So now you have an idea of a few mistakes people make in the beginning,

it’s time to prepare you one the right track to success. And the best way

you can prepare for your move to success is in the mindset. Now please

don’t lose me on this one. This is life changing stuff. When you realize

that the only person that got you where you are today and that can take

you where you want to go tomorrow is you, you will find great power and 5
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

liberation in yourself. It’s essential to know that you can control your life.

When you let doubt into your mind, and think “I can’t do this” you’ve

already lost the game. Creating a winning mind set takes dedication and I

could write a whole book about it. I recommend you take a look at one of

my good friend’s recent products called Sleep and Profit. His course

outlines precisely how to obtain the mind set necessary for complete self

mastery and success. The course comprises of MP3 audios and great

value bonuses, worth more than what he’s asking. If you only make one

investment this year, this should be it.

My favorite quote is from Henry Ford. “If you think you can do a thing or

think you can't do a thing, you're right.” – Henry Ford

The first war is on your head. Once you have command over you thoughts,

there is literally nothing to stop you from doing anything you want in life.

And it applies to business more than you think. 6
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

- Are you afraid of Success? -

Did you know that some people are actually afraid of success? To be

honest, I was. I was afraid of the responsibility being piled up on me. I was

afraid of things getting too big and I wouldn’t know how to control it all. I

was able to control this fear by using the knowledge I had that control

over what happens. And

- Knowledge is Power -

You’ve probably heard this one a million times too. But do you know what

it really means? In an online business, it’s not necessarily the knowledge

of HTML or web site building or FTP or product creation, rather it’s

knowing what to do with them and when to make it a profitable exercise.

(By the way, knowing all that‘technical’ stuff can be taken care of by

hiring experts in that field so you don’t even need to know them, but you

just need to know that the option to hire is available – see what I mean

about knowledge?) 7
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

Your mind is a living encyclopedia or where knowledge can be stored up,

added to and be referred to time after time. Your own source of

information that you will never lose as long as you keep it active.

Read lots of books. You’re reading this one of mine right now. I hope it

contains a few nuggets of information that you can turn into knowledge.

Talk to people who are doing what you are doing or you want to do.

Remember I talked about not hiding behind you computer screen. People

are a resource that you can leverage for your own growth and likewise.

Study people. Once you’ve become successful, people will want to study

you and ask you for tips. I hope you’ll be willing enough to share it.

- It’s what you do with it – (knowledge, that is) -

Knowledge is the ingredient, next comes on applying that knowledge.

Think of when you make a cake. The flour and eggs don’t mix themselves. 8
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

You need to use those ingredients to make the final product. In the case

of business, use what you know to make a web page, submit articles,

exchange links, update your blog, etc. The worst thing you can do is

NOTHING. Taking action is what gets the ball rolling. Once it’s rolling,

momentum gathers. And momentum will grow into greater and better

things. You may tend to think that these small things won’t make a

difference. Hey, remember it took me a whole year to start making money

online and it was because I paid attention tot the little things. They do

make a difference.

- The 3 things you need to make money online -

Ok, still with me? Good. Here’s where we get down to the meat of an

online business. Essentially, you need 3 things.

1. A product/service – your own or someone else’s you get paid a

commission for selling

2. A web site or web space to sell it from 9
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

3. Prospects to see and purchase your offer

And usually, the order they come in is the same order I have written them


- The Product or Service -

If you’re just starting out, selling other people’s products as an affiliate is

a relatively simple and quick way to get your feet wet. Affiliate marketing

pays a nice commission but know that it’s not building your business. You

aren’t collecting those leads and they aren’t seeing and using your


To really jump start your business and what I wish I would have done

sooner in my business is create a product of my own. Now before you

start saying “I can’t!” let me tell you, you can and you should you’re

your self that you can too. I’m not going to tell you how to create a

product as it’s a more extensive topic than I have accommodated time

for in the writing of this report. I recommend one of my other reports I sell 10
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

for $7 called Instant Cash Payouts. It covers in depth, all current and

relevant information about product creation, from start to finish. It’s a

very reasonable investment for you if you’re looking to make a big impact

with their online business in a short time.

- The Web Site. –

People get confused and give up when it comes to building a web site.

Please don’t let it happen to you. For someone technically challenged, it

can be a nightmare. I understand completely. But who said you have to do

it all yourself? It might be cheaper to do it yourself, but how many months

or years is it going to take you to master it? Did you know there are

thousands of people willing to do all of your web site creation related work

for a small fee? Freelance web designers/programmers are a dime a

dozen on web sites such as or

As hard as it may seem, it’s not impossible teach yourself these things.

The best way to learn is just to try it. There is a LOT of ready information 11
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

on every topic if you spend an afternoon searching for it on web master

forums, specialty web sites, etc. Once you’ve got some basic

knowledge down, go and register a domain name, sign up for some hosting,

set up the name servers, open up your HTML editor software and start

playing around and make a page. FTP/Upload it to your server.

Congratulations, you have a web site!

- Prospects to Buy -

Once you’ve got the mind set, the web site, and the products etc ready

to sell, marketing takes over. This is when you get paid for you hard work.

The internet marketing game is a game of numbers more than anything

else, and this is the biggest aspect of online business. Basically, the more

people you have seeing your offer, the more orders your will take resulting

in more sales and money in your pocket.

The methods to drive prospects to see your offer are as numerous as the

hairs on your head. It is called traffic. What drives traffic? Advertising. 12
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

Online advertising is anything from PPC, to banner ads, to traffic

exchanges to Instant Buzz, to safelist mailings to Joint Ventures to

selling your own product. It’s all for the sake of advertising. Getting

visitors to your web site, i.e., traffic. There is one method of driving traffic

that I highly recommend focusing on and that is list building. People say

that the money is in the list. I say the money is in the business and a list is

the business.

Think of any ‘real world’ business and they will tell you that the only way

they stay in business is because of their customers. With list building

online, you collect their names and email addresses allowing you to follow

up with them any time you wish. You can do this by offering a free

downloadable report or email course. Send traffic to where they can get

on your list and once you do, you will have your own list. You will have

opportunity and power to build a relationship of trust, and when a great

offer comes along, you can send out a promotional email and they will see

your offer. You control the traffic! 13
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

So you have no list? There is the option to lever other people’s lists.

Sound like a pipe dream? Don’t rule it out. It is possible. Make other

business owners with a list an offer they can’t refuse. Remember I talked

about not hiding behind your computer screen, well; this is the kind of

time you need to come out and be a people’s person. You don’t need to

call them on the telephone if you don’t feel comfortable, although it can’t

hurt, but a few friendly emails may do the trick.

Another mistake I see many marketers make is over mailing to your list

with nothing but sales pitches. There is nothing that will kill the

responsiveness of your subscribers more than this. There is nothing

wrong with sending out emails regularly, even every day, but only if you

are helping them in some way. You can email them your offer, but you

can’t make them click on the links inside to see you offer. You must get

the respect of your subscribers.

List building and some are the most effective I’ve found for driving traffic,

than most but like I mentioned before, even the small things make a 14
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

difference. As far as I’m concerned, list building will always be the best

and on the top of the priority list for business building.

- The System –

Once you work to get everything together, you have a system. And the

system will then work for you. That’s the beauty of the internet. The

technology makes doing business auto-mated. That’s not to say you can

just forget about it, as you will want to test things out and improve for

maximum results with minimal effort. After all, that’s what a business is

it? A business should work for you and not you work for your business.

The latter is what we call a JOB.

- Is it possible to make a living online? -

Making a living online is more than possible, it’s bound to happen as far as

you give it all you can and never give up. Along the way you may feel like

giving up and maybe after you think you’ve got it together and you feel 15
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

like you’re doing well. There will be ups and downs but that’s life.

- Online Income For Life -

Money for nothing is highly unlikely but passive income allows you to

profit from work you have done in the past to keep paying you now and

forever without putting in the hard yards now. Many serious business

owners have a hand in passive income streams. And who wouldn’t be

interested for getting paid for not working.....anymore? Setting up streams

of passive income on the internet is easier than in real life, faster, and

most definitely cheaper.

Passive income online usually consists of network marketing. The basic

definition of network marketing or MLM is that your income comes from

others you refer to join and those whom your referrals refer and so on.

Everyone who joins from your and your referrals efforts gets placed in

your downline. Your downline can go down as far as 5 or 10 levels deep so 16
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

you can imagine the potential numbers in your downline once the

multiplication factor steps in.

However, there are pitfalls associated with network marketing you need

to be aware of, but these can be avoided with prior research and joining

the ‘right’ program. What I mean by the ‘right’ program is one that is

NOT a day light robbery scam. There are so many out there that claim

easy income, but only a select few that are credible and offer a high

quality service that a wide range of people are interested in. Take GDI for

instance. GDI is perhaps the most highly acclaimed network marketing

program on the internet but offers much more than just an income

opportunity. GDI stands for global domains international. It is a worldwide

domain registration organization.

In brief, here’s what GDI has to offer :

- Domain name ending in .WS

- Premium web site hosting

- Email addresses – 10 per domain name i.e. 17
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

- Domain/Email forwarding

- Web Site Builder – Great for those getting started

- And a great passive income business opportunity

You’ll find here everything you could hope for in a quality business

opportunity with GDI even if you’re just starting out online. For more free

information on how to start and profit from GDI and the chance for a free

7 day trial membership, go to my web site

- Never give up –

Keep going even when things get hard. If you never give up, until you

succeed, you’re destined to get there. But remember, success is not a

destination, it’s a journey. Build and build and grow richer and richer. I

often recite this famous saying to myself : “Every day in every way, I’m

getting better and better.” Try it yourself and it will become the truth. 18
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

To your on-going online success,

Stuart Stirling

PS – Some of my other reports include : 19
How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

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How to “Get Rich Slowly But Surely” On the Internet - by Stuart Stirling

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