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General Provisions

Article 1305. A _______________ is a _______________ of _______________ between _______________ persons

whereby one _______________ himself, with _______________ to the other, to give _______________ or to

_______________ some _______________. (1254a)

Article 1306. The _______________ parties may _______________ such _______________, _______________,

_______________ and _______________ as they may deem _______________, provided they are _______________

contrary to _______________, _______________, _______________ _______________, public _______________, or

public _______________. (1255a)

Article 1307. _______________ contracts shall be regulated by the _______________ of the parties, by the provisions of

Titles I and II of this Book, by the _______________ governing the most _______________ _______________

contracts, and by the _______________ of the place. (n)

Article 1308. The _______________ must bind _______________ contracting parties; its _______________ or

_______________ cannot be left to the _______________ of _______________ of them. (1256a)

Article 1309. The _______________ of the _______________ may be left to a _______________ person, whose

_______________ shall not be _______________ until it has been made known to _______________

_______________ parties. (n)

Article 1310. The _______________ shall not be _______________ if it is evidently _______________. In such case,

the _______________ shall decide what is _______________ under the _______________. (n)

Article 1311. Contracts take effect _______________ between the parties, their _______________ and

_______________, _______________ in case where the _______________ and _______________ arising from the

contract are not _______________ by their _______________, or by _______________ or by _______________ of law.

The _______________ is not _______________ beyond the _______________ of the property he received from the


If a contract should _______________ some _______________ in _______________ of a _______________ person,

he may _______________ its _______________ provided he _______________ his _______________ to the

_______________ before its _______________. A mere _______________ benefit or _______________ of a person is

not _______________. The contracting parties must have _______________ and _______________ conferred a favor

upon a _______________ person. (1257a)

Article 1312. In contracts creating _______________ rights, third persons who come into _______________ of the

_______________ of the contract are bound thereby, subject to the provisions of the _______________ Law and the

_______________ _______________ Laws. (n)

Article 1313. _______________ are _______________ in cases of contracts intended to _______________ them. (n)

Article 1314. Any third person who _______________ another to _______________ his contract shall be liable for

damages to the other _______________ party. (n)

Article 1315. Contracts are _______________ by mere _______________, and from that _______________ the parties

are bound not _______________ to the _______________ of what has been _______________ stipulated but also to

all the _______________ which, according to their _______________, may be in keeping with _______________

_______________, _______________ and _______________. (1258)

Article 1316. _______________ contracts, such as _______________, _______________ and _______________, are

_______________ perfected _______________ the _______________ of the object of the obligation. (n)

Article 1317. No one may contract in the _______________ of another _______________ being _______________ by

the latter, or unless he has by _______________ a right to _______________ him.

A contract entered into in the _______________ of another by one who has no _______________ or _______________

_______________, or who has _______________ beyond his _______________, shall be _______________, unless it

is _______________, _______________ or _______________, by the person on whose _______________ it has been

executed, before it is _______________ by the other contracting party. (1259a)


Essential Requisites of Contracts

General Provisions

Article 1318. There is no contract unless the following requisites _______________:

(1) _______________ of the _______________ parties;

(2) _______________ certain which is the _______________ matter of the contract;

(3) _______________ of the _______________ which is established. (1261)



Article 1319. _______________ is manifested by the meeting of the _______________ and the _______________ upon

the thing and the _______________ which are to _______________ the contract. The _______________ must be

_______________ and the acceptance _______________. A _______________ acceptance constitutes a


Acceptance made by _______________ or _______________ does not bind the offerer _______________ from the

time it came to his _______________. The _______________, in such a case, is _______________ to have been

entered into in the _______________ where the _______________ was made. (1262a)

Article 1320. An _______________ may be _______________ or _______________. (n)

Article 1321. The person making the _______________ may fix the _______________, _______________, and

_______________ of acceptance, _______________ of which must be complied with. (n)

Article 1322. An _______________ made through an _______________ is _______________ from the time

_______________ is _______________ to him. (n)

Article 1323. An _______________ becomes _______________ upon the _______________, civil _______________,

_______________, or _______________ of either party _______________ acceptance is _______________. (n)

Article 1324. When the _______________ has allowed the _______________ a _______________ period to accept,

the offer may be _______________ at any time _______________ acceptance by _______________ such withdrawal,

except when the _______________ is _______________ upon a _______________, as something _______________

or _______________. (n)

Article 1325. Unless it appears otherwise, _______________ _______________ of things for sale are not

_______________ _______________, but mere _______________ to make an _______________. (n)

Article 1326. _______________ for _______________ are simply _______________ to make _______________, and

the _______________ is not bound to accept the _______________ or _______________ bidder, unless the contrary

appears. (n)

Article 1327. The following cannot give _______________ to a contract:

(1) _______________ minors;

(2) _______________ or _______________ persons, and _______________-_______________ who do not know how

to _______________. (1263a)

Article 1328. Contracts entered into during a _______________ _______________ are _______________. Contracts

agreed to in a _______________ of _______________ or during a _______________ _______________ are

_______________. (n)

Article 1329. The _______________ declared in article 1327 is subject to the _______________ determined by law, and

is _______________ to be without _______________ to special _______________ established in the laws. (1264)

Article 1330. A contract where _______________ is given through _______________, _______________,

_______________, _______________ _______________, or _______________ is _______________. (1265a)

Article 1331. In order that _______________ may _______________ consent, it should refer to the _______________

of the thing which is the _______________ of the contract, or to those _______________ which have _______________

moved one or both parties to enter into the contract.

_______________ as to the _______________ or _______________ of one of the parties will _______________

consent only when such _______________ or _______________ have been the _______________ cause of the


A _______________ _______________ of account shall give rise to its _______________. (1266a)

Article 1332. When one of the parties is _______________ to read, or if the contract is in a _______________ not

understood by him, and _______________ or _______________ is _______________, the person _______________

the contract must show that the _______________ thereof have been _______________ explained to the

_______________. (n)

Article 1333. There is _______________ mistake if the party _______________ it knew the _______________,

_______________ or _______________ affecting the object of the contract. (n)

Article 1334. _______________ _______________ as to the _______________ _______________ of an agreement

when the _______________ purpose of the parties is _______________, may _______________ consent. (n)

Article 1335. There is _______________ when in order to _______________ consent, _______________ or

_______________ _______________ is employed.

There is _______________ when one of the contracting parties is _______________ by a _______________ and

_______________-_______________ fear of an _______________ and _______________ evil upon his

_______________ or _______________, or upon the person or property of his _______________, _______________

or _______________, to _______________ his consent.

To determine the _______________ of _______________, the _______________, _______________ and

_______________ of the person shall be _______________ in mind.

A _______________ to enforce one's _______________ through _______________ authority, if the _______________

is _______________ or _______________, does not _______________ consent. (1267a)

Article 1336. _______________ or _______________ shall _______________ the _______________, although it may

have been _______________ by a third person who did _______________ take _______________ in the contract.


Article 1337. There is _______________ _______________ when a person takes _______________ advantage of his

power over the _______________ of another, _______________ the latter of a _______________ freedom of choice.

The following _______________ shall be considered: the _______________, _______________, _______________

and other _______________ between the parties, or the _______________ that the person alleged to have been

unduly _______________ was _______________ from _______________ _______________, or was

_______________ or in _______________ _______________. (n)

Article 1338. There is _______________ when, through _______________ words or _______________ of one of the

contracting parties, the other is _______________ to enter into a _______________ which, _______________ them, he

would _______________ have agreed to. (1269)

Article 1339. _______________ to _______________ facts, when there is a _______________ to _______________

them, as when the parties are bound by _______________ relations, constitutes _______________. (n)

Article 1340. The usual _______________ in _______________, when the other party had an _______________ to

know the facts, are not in themselves _______________. (n)

Article 1341. A _______________ expression of an _______________ does not _______________ _______________,

unless made by an _______________ and the other party has _______________ on the former's _______________

knowledge. (n)

Article 1342. _______________ by a third person does not _______________ consent, unless such _______________

has created _______________ _______________ and the same is _______________. (n)

Article 1343. _______________ made in _______________ _______________ is _______________

_______________ but may constitute _______________. (n)

Article 1344. In order that _______________ may make a contract _______________, it should be _______________

and should not have been _______________ by _______________ contracting parties.

_______________ _______________ only _______________ the person _______________ it to pay

_______________. (1270)

Article 1345. _______________ of a contract may be _______________ or _______________. The former takes place

when the parties do not _______________ to be _______________ at all; the latter, when the parties

_______________ their _______________ agreement. (n)

Article 1346. An absolutely _______________ or _______________ contract is _______________. A _______________

_______________, when it does not _______________ a third person and is not _______________ for any purpose

contrary to law, morals, good customs, public _______________ or public _______________ _______________ the

parties to their real _______________. (n)


Object of Contracts

Article 1347. All things which are not _______________ the _______________ of men, including _______________

things, may be the _______________ of a contract. All rights which are not _______________ may also be the object of


No contract may be entered into upon future _______________ except in cases _______________ _______________

by law.
All _______________ which are _______________ contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy

may likewise be the _______________ of a contract. (1271a)

Article 1348. _______________ things or services cannot be the _______________ of contracts. (1272)

Article 1349. The object of every contract must be _______________ as to its _______________. The fact that the

_______________ is not _______________ shall not be an _______________ to the _______________ of the contract,

provided it is possible to _______________ the same, without the need of a _______________ contract between the

parties. (1273)


Cause of Contracts

Article 1350. In _______________ contracts the _______________ is _______________ to be, for each contracting

party, the _______________ or _______________ of a thing or service by the other; in _______________ ones, the

_______________ or _______________ which is _______________; and in contracts of pure _______________, the

mere _______________ of the _______________. (1274)

Article 1351. The particular _______________ of the parties in entering into a contract are _______________ from the

cause thereof. (n)

Article 1352. Contracts without _______________, or with _______________ cause, produce no _______________

whatever. The cause is _______________ if it is contrary to _______________, _______________, good

_______________, public _______________ or public _______________. (1275a)

Article 1353. The statement of a _______________ _______________ in contracts shall render them

_______________, if it should not be _______________ that they were _______________ upon another

_______________ which is _______________ and _______________. (1276)

Article 1354. Although the _______________ is not stated in the contract, it is _______________ that it

_______________ and is _______________, unless the _______________ proves the contrary. (1277)

Article 1355. Except in cases specified by law, _______________ or _______________ of cause shall not

_______________ a contract, unless there has been _______________, _______________ or _______________

_______________. (n)

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