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Name : Muhammad Hafis Aziz

Class: PBI 2 C
Interpretive listening
TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before Congress

MR. HUDSON asked to MR. SHOU CHEW(CEO of Tiktok) “Does Tiktok access the home WIFI
network?”. then MR.CHEW ansewered “Only if the user turns on the WIFI,I’m sorry I may
understand”. then MR.HUDSON asked back “ So if I have Tiktok app on my phone and my
phone is on my home WIFI network , Does Tiktok access that network?. Then MR.CHEW
answered “ It will have to access the network to get connection to the internet if that’s the
question.MR.HUDSON asked again “ its possible then that it could access other devices on
that home wifi network? Then MR.CHEW answered “congressman , we dont do anything
that is beyond any indrusty norms,i believe the answer to your question is no,it could be
technical . let me get baack to you”
SO, I think MR.HUDSON accuses that tiktok can be used to hack someone's data if tiktok is
connected to the internet

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