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Journal 10 Pandemic.

What were the 3 main points of the lecture?

The lecture illustrated the main points regarding pandemic in general and COVID-19
pandemic in specific. Firstly, is the difference between pandemic and epidemic, which
means a pandemic is a spread of infectious disease that occurs worldwide and effecting
a huge amount of people. An epidemic is the opposite of that which is an infection
spread happen at a community level at a specific time. Moreover, understanding all
levels of governments that are involved in public health matters such as the federal
government and provincial/territorial government and their roles regarding health
decisions. For example, the federal government is responsible for direct and indirect
jurisdictions on regulating public health-related issues like quarantine, public debt and
taxing powers. Provincial governments are assigned to solve issues related to
establishments and hospital management and municipal institutions. Finally,
understanding the federal government The Emergencies Act which partly been used
through the COVID-19 pandemic. This act gives the federal government authority to
declare an emergency at the national level and act without provincial government

 What point or example from the lecture would you like to see reviewed or clarified?

I would like to understand more how the federal legalizations were formed, which criteria followed,
based on which events it rules were assigned.

Journal 11 Long –term care

 What were the 3 main points of the lecture?

This lecture discussed the main points related to long term care homes, which sometimes called nursing
homes. Long term care homes are designed to serve individuals mainly seniors with help in daily
activities including 24 hours of nursing and personal care. Long care homes are funded by the
government to cover the cost of nursing and personal care after following government criteria where
residents must pay for accommodation charges like room and board. It is different from retirement
homes which are privately funded and serve individuals who are seeking an independent lifestyle with
some support in daily activities. Long term care homes have been stuck badly with COVID-19 pandemic,
causing deaths for many of its residents that made nursing homes change their safety regulations to
protect residents and their families’ health. Sadly, 80% of all deaths in Canada from COVID-19 happened
for long care homes residents. Finally, worker’s unions decided to ask to phase out for-profit long-term
care homes and ask for better long term care means such as providing full-time jobs with benefits like
paid sick leave and many other demands, in a campaign called “CARE, NOT PROFITS’.
 What point or example from the lecture would you like to see reviewed or clarified?

Long term care subject was clear and explained well through the charts and graphs which made it hard
to find something not clear and need to be reviewed.

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