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Conveniently leaves out goat milk, sheep milk, camel milk, reindeer milk, and

others (which are widely consumed)... I get it, you're trying to sell us that
"almond milk" is more "natural"... But I've never seen anyone milk an almond or a
soy bean...
I'm sorry, I forgot vegans think the entire world is *exactly* like the suburbs...
I forgot, obviously people in remote Scandinavian villages hop in their SUVs to get
to the whole foods store... I mean, obviously Bedouin tribesmen (after spending a
day in the desert just for fun) hop in their Tesla's to get to the naturopath store
to pay $10/l for some certified organic non-GMO soy milk...
Also, it is funny how little you understand about agriculture... The reason we
don't drink cats milk, or dog milk, or horse milk can be summed up in one word:
yield. It has nothing to do with "grossness", and everything to do with how much
you get out compared to how much energy you put in. Camels, reindeer, goats, cows,
etc. yield 1+L of milk a day, you can't get 1L of milk from a cat, so it isn't of
any benefit... Also, the benefits of a cat, dog, or horse in other roles (i.e. pest
control, hunting, riding, working rather than milking) is if more benefit than a
cow (cows aren't useful for much other than milk, beef, or maybe simple work/draft
animals, like oxen pulling ploughs)...

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