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Change is Constant

Basic I Ching
3 Heads - Yang that turns to Yin
2 Heads, 1 Tail - Yang that remains Yang
1 Head 2 tails - Yin that remains Yin
3 Tails – Yin that turns to Yang

Generate two I Ching Hexagrams using the above. If none of

the lines are “changing lines” the second hexagram is the
complete inverse of the first.
Use each hexagram to inspire a backstory event, a strength
and a weakness. You start with three coins. You can pay a
coin to use a strength to auto-succeed at an action. The GM
pays you a coin if you allow a plot complication due to a
weakness. Assign d4, d6, d6, d8 and d1o to the below
Wood – Healing, supporting, growing
Fire – Inciting, intimidating, destroying
Earth – Stabilizing, enduring, protecting
Metal – Insight, piercing misconceptions, innovation
Water – Adapting, Changing with flow, trickery
After each adventure lower one element down a die size and
increase its neighbor up a die size. (Wood fuels fire, etc.)

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