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Pauline Mae Yap BECEd 3-E

Activity #6
Teachnology for Teaching and Learning 2 - Utilization of Instructural
Technology in Early Childhood Education

CHALLENGES: Prepare a lesson and select the most

appropriate method, media and materials in presenting the
lesson. Make a short description.

Subject and lesson; Mathematics/ Grade Level:

Numbers 1-10 Kindergarten
Methods: Game-based learning
Media: television or laptop

and music
Materials: pentouch, pen, color,paper, marble,popsicle

HARNESS: In case the materials that you need to present

a lesson
are not available in your school?

1. Check with other teachers: I ask colleagues if they have the

materials I need. They may have something I can borrow or
may know of other resources that could be helpful.
2. Look online: There are many online resources available
that can provide with the materials I need. I can search for
lesson plans, activities, and worksheets that are relevant to
my topic.
3. Create my own materials: If I cannot find the materials I
need, consider creating my own. I can design worksheets,
handouts, and other resources that will help me teach the
4. Adapt your lesson: If I cannot find the exact materials I
need, consider adapting my lesson to work with the
materials that are available. For example, if I planned to use
a specific video that is not available, I could find a similar
video or use a different teaching method.
It's important to be resourceful and flexible when faced with a
lack of materials. With a little creativity, I can still deliver an
effective lesson.

Subject and lesson; Mathematics/ Grade Level: Kindergarten

Numbers 1-10

Methods: Game-based learning

Media: television or laptop and music

Materials: pentouch, pen, color,paper, marble,popsicle

HARNESS: In case the materials that you need to present a lesson

are not available in your school?

I find a way to teach using what is accessible, such as manila paper, cartolina,
or flashcards rather than a powerpoint presentation, and I also use items
from the environment, such as rocks and dried leaves.

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