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Name : Sabila Puti Rahmanda

NIM : 2007010226

Class : P 10

Anwersheet assignment unit 6

Make a dialogue about planning a trip. You may use this tips below to help you planning the trip

Sabila : Hi Puti, how are you

Puti : I’m good, whats going on

Sabila : emm have you got a minute?

Puti : of course, I have. So what is it, Sabila?

Sabila : You have lived in Korea for five years. And I will go on vacation there around November. So do
you know,,, yeah like, can you give me any tips or something?

Puti : November, yes, that means autumn. Have you prepared warm clothes? Autumn is pretty cold

Sabila : Yes, for clothes I have prepared it. How about lodging?

Puti : For lodging you can rent a motel in the Myongdong area which is usually cheaper

Sabila : That sounds good

Puti : Yes, Myongdong is also a place that is often visited by tourists, so you can find lots of souvenirs
there. And for vehicles, maybe you can charge money for e-money so you can travel using all modes of

Sabila : Wow I'm getting impatient, then is there something I need to worry about?

Puti : I don't think so, Korea is a safe country

Sabila : Oh ok, thak,,

Puti : O o , by the way I forgot, you have to be careful when walking at night, usually there are drunk
people, that one, you know right?

Sabila : Owh that is very scary. I'll take good care of myself, thanks for the info

Puti : Okay, you're welcome

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