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RIRIN : School holidays will soon, be very boring at home

ANDIN : how about we go on vacation during school holidays

SINDI : wow, i agree !

MIRANDA : great idea !!

SUTRI : any have idea about this?

UMMUL : how about we go to Bali ?
OKTO : are you sure about Bali? I think going to Japan is
: How about we go to Turkey, I hear there are lots of
cute cats there
UMMUL : in my opinion, Bali is still the best destination for us
to visit ,considering the beauty of its natural
SUTRI : Yeah, i think that would be fun.

RIRIN : Bali is indeed a lot of fun for tourists who come there
every year, there must be a lot of exciting things there
ANDIN : I heard that Bali is still thick with its mystical places, i
think we can test our guts there. It will be very exciting.
MIRANDA : are you serious you really want to test your guts
ANDIN : why not, looks like fun
OKTO : If you want to test your guts once, go to Japan,
where there is a haunted forest
UMMUL :As far as I know, Bali also has many horror tourist spots

SUTRI : I think this is a bad idea

RIRIN : yes i think so , we want to go have fun
SINDI : what about papua ? there is a king of ampat
MIRANDA : guys? how about we go to raja ampat and have fun
OKTO : I agree with Raja Ampat
RIRIN : OK, we'll talk about this again tomorrow morning

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