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Because, after all, what good is liberty if there is no food to eat, or justice if there are
no jobs to be had? Early Christian communities were made up of people from all different
walks of life during the early centuries of the church's history because there was no
hierarchy or other system of stratification in place during that time. They were put in danger
of dying as a result of being martyred, they had the problem of having to travel a great
distance to get to and from different locations, there was the problem of false gospels being
spread alongside Christianity, and there was the problem of being poor. These are the
difficulties that the early Christians had to face at the time. The vast majority of people who
changed their religion to Christianity did so because they were poor and unable to provide
for themselves financially. As a result of this, providing financial support for the work of
preaching became difficult.
Persecution can be defined as harassment or unfavorable treatment based on a
person's race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. I concur that this constitutes a violation
of human rights. This refers to situations in which individuals are harassed or mistreated on
the basis of their religious beliefs. Every individual has the right to their own beliefs, and
they are free to act however they see fit so long as they are not in violation of any laws.
However, if their actions broke any laws, it would be acceptable to punish them for them;
however, punishing them for what they believe would be a violation of their human rights.I
remember that when I was still in elementary school, my skin was a dark color. This is
because I live near the sea, and as children, we can't resist going out to play outside and
staying out in the sun. As a result, my skin was darker back then. Someone has treated me
differently because of the color of my skin because it is dark. That question made me feel
hurt because, even at a young age, I've been deciding using cosmetics to make my skin
lighter, and I've also questioned why God would make my skin look the way it does. It was
one of my concerns until the people around me or the people who are close to me helped
me understand that I am beautiful regardless of the color of my skin. God blessed me with
wonderful people who are always there to reassure me that there is nothing inherently
flawed about either myself or the color of my skin. Because of them, I've learned to
appreciate everything that I do have.

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