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Today we will talk about Wadaiko or also

known as Taiko 1 of the Instruments of

Taiko is made of various materials and

they are generally made from cowhide.
Skins also come from horses, and bull skin
is preferred for larger drums. Thinner
skins are preferred for smaller taiko, and
thicker skins are used for larger ones.

Taiko is played with two bachi (wooden

sticks). When hit hard with bachi, taiko
can produce loud sounds.

Taiko is classified as part of the

percussion family.

The drums were said to be used during

wars to command soldiers and to raise
their morale.

Thanks for listening and goodbye...

Today we will discuss about the different states within the water

There are 3 phases of water solid ice, liquid water and


When you apply heat energy on ice the Ice begins to

melt and the particles move fast enough to overcome
some of the attraction between them. The particle are
close together but can slide past one another.

Here is an example of Ice turning into water. As u can

see the ice turns into a solid state to liquid state.

The type of process involved in the phase change is


Next is when you apply cold energy onto a water the

water begins to turn freeze and the particles do not
move fast enough to overcome the strong attraction
between them. So, they are close together and vibrate in

Here is an example of water turning into ice. As u can

see the water turns into liquid state to solid state.

The type of process involved in the phase change is


Next is when you apply heat energy onto a water the

water begins to turn into gas and the particles move fast
enough to overcome almost all of the attraction
between them. The particles are far apart and move
independently of one another.

Here is an example of water turning into gas. As u can

see the water turns into liquid state to gas state.

The type of process involved in the phase change is

You know at one point in time most of us are going to
incur some type of sprain or strain.

Hi I'm Xian Dave Policarpio and what I'm going to talk

about is how to properly treat a sprained wrist.
A sprained wrist can be a pretty painful experience but
with proper intervention and first aid pain and swelling
can be reduced. First and foremost raise the sprained wrist
above the patient's heart to help reduce blood flow to the
region. The application of some type of cold pack or ice
will be in order to help reduce pain and swelling as ice
will constrict blood vessels. You do not want to place the
ice or the cold pack directly on the skin as this may cause
a cold injury or burn injury from the ice. Place a cloth
between the skin and the ice to insulate it. Apply ice for
ten to fifteen minute intervals to reduce pain and swelling.
Remove the ice and the cold pack after ten to fifteen
minutes so an injury does not occur from that and then
wrap the area with some type of pressure or elastic
bandage to help support the sprain. After wrapping with
some type of pressure bandage or elastic bandage making
sure not to wrap too tight to reduce circulation, ice or a
cold compress can once again be applied to the region for
ten to fifteen minute intervals and this way relief will be
sought, pain will be reduced along with swelling and the
steps to healing can begin as soon as possible. Sprains are
never a fun experience, however, usually not a serious
injury, first aid and proper treatment in the beginning
stages can make a big difference when it comes to relief
of pain and swelling.

I'm Xian Dave Policarpio, stay safe. We'll see you next

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