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1. Legally, a woman has 'complete' rights over a man income but a man legally has no rights over
a women income according to the Indian constitution

2. Woman are exempted to work without their consent from 7pm to 6am. While men's will
complete the Leftover work of woman.

3. Men are physically strong and can do more work ( 3 hours more in a week ) than women and
hence deserve more wages.

4. Women also have period leaves . While she would be resting in the home , a man would be
completing her work and doing a overtime

5. Most Men's don't get paternity leave and hence work almost all days while the women is paid
the same salary and does no work during pregnancy
6. Men have to overcome soft discrimination, in the form of quotas, when seeking work/education

7. Gender quotas in hiring may lead to less qualified women being favored over more qualified

8. There are NCW to record crimes on women but , We have no one or any men's commission to
monitor crimes on men and fake cases on men
  Even when there are 53% Fake Rape Cases , 80% Fake Dowry cases , 75% Suicide by men , 75%
Homicide victims are men still no equality when men are more prone to be a       victim.
           Gender bias against men is high and still feminists out there say women suffer more than men.

9. Child labour is more prevalent among boys than girls at every age

10. Women get less jail time the men for the same crime
   While women also have so many rights to submerge a man into jail may be on false charges for
Revenge ,money ,fame purpose

11. Men are 63% more likely to be convicted than women. Men receive 63% longer prison
sentences compared to women for the same crimes
12. Court bias against men is at least 6 times stronger than racial bias
13. Almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally
  In non-reciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the

14. If a man stalks a women , he can be charged By Law for imprisonment of 5 years , whereas a
women stalking a man IS NOT considered as a offense.
15. Male circumcision is generally legal, female circumcision is illegal in most countries

16. Section 354A : A man serves up to 3 years of jail if he sexually harassed woman a but there is no
such law to punish a woman if she sexually harasses a man (even in workplaces)

17. Section 497 : If a man has consensual sex with the wife of another man, the man can be jailed
for up to 5years.
            But if a wife (or woman) has had consensual sex with a man who is married to another woman
then why isn't she punished for this crime?
18. Section 375 : If a man has sex on the pretext of marriage and doesn't marry, it amounts to rape
clause (4) ,  why aren't women rapists if they break up with the guy after a sexual relationship
and promise of marriage?

19. Section 375 : Rape is something that only a man can do to a woman. There are no room for
adult male victims. There are no legal laws to protect men from rape.
20. Under the Hindu adoption and maintenance act of 1956 , Men only get maintained legally until
he is 18 years old after which their parents can legally throw him out
            but ,a girl will get maintenance till she decides to provide for herself or until she gets married

21. Compulsory military service for men , Lets add compulsory kitchen service for women.

22. A man raped by a woman can be forced to pay child support if the rapist becomes pregnant as
a result
23. A man, but not a woman, maybe sentenced for rape if he had sex with a partner who was
unable to give consent.
            So if two persons are very drunk and end up i bed together, the woman may regret and
charge the man for rape on the next day.
            But the man cannot charge the woman for having sex with him when he was too drunk to
give consent

24. If a wife beats her husband, and he calls the police, the police will usually assume that the man,
not the woman, has been violent.
            The man is not believed, even though domestic violence is approximately equally often man-
on-woman as woman-on-man.

25. While having sex ,both , the man and women body is involved.
            However , if the women becomes pregnant , Men have no feasible way of opting out of being
a parent
            But women can still undo their mistakes and have a abortion (and there are several other
options as well) whilst also murdering a small innocent child who died just                              because
of her mistake

26. A man who has murdered a pregnant woman is charged with 2 assaults
  But a woman who aborts her child is still not seen as a criminal. Disgusting  double standards

27. The most obvious is the treatment of divorced fathers in the family court system. About 10% of
divorce cases are high conflict caseswhere the woman does all she can to harm the man
psychologically, especially by preventing he can see his children.

28. Women get the children after divorce And men's never ( 2 in 63 men get the child )
If masculinity were truly toxic, then kids growing up without dads would presumably be better off
than those who have them.
But, they're not : they tend to be more depressed, aggressive & criminal
63% of youth suicides
90% of all homeless and runaway youths
85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders
80% of rapist with anger problem
71% of all high school dropouts
80% of youth in prison
70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions
75% of adolescent patients in substance abuse centers
29. Men only win 18.7% of child custody battles

30. At least 30% of fathers are victims of paternity fraud

31. 97% of alimony is paid by men

32. 97% of combat fatalities are men's

33. Banks also offer 0.5% concession on the rate of interest for education loan of female students

34. For all the entrance exam fees , there's a  huge variation in the fees of a male student and
female students. Generally , the female student pays half of what the male student pays , Men
basically pay women part for writing the exam.

35. Women Have a Higher Chance of Getting Accepted into College

36. Teachers 'give higher marks to girls  ,This might be due to the reason that female Teachers
compromise 89% of the school .
   This again shows that the society and the teaching style are completely against men's.

37. The school system is increasingly unfavorable to boys, and boys are lagging more and more
behind. There are more women in college than men.

38. This is correlated with the increasing and overwhelming majority of 71.6% of women among
teachers and the trend to consider typical girl behavior as correct and typical boy's behaviors

39. There are still female exclusive scholarships designed to get more women into higher education
at the expense of men
40. Girls can have short or long cut in the school ,On the other hands boys are forced to have their
hairs short.

41. 75% of suicides are men, but still, we have no commission or organization to deal with this
             Men helpline is still not toll-free , But the women's helpline is toll-free
             Nearly zero modern mental health and psychological aid practices are designed with helping
men in mind
42. Men make-up 94% of work-place suicides
43. Female cancer receives up-to 15 times more funding than male cancer

44. Men's lives are prioritized last in an emergency

45. 33% Of Women Will Go On Dates Just For The Free Food

46. Male victims of rape are often mocked and ridiculed

47. There are many more homeless men than homeless women.  The number of shelters for male
victims of abuse is functionally zero

48. Men make up-to 93% of work-place fatalities

49. Scientifically , Boys and girls are proved to be perverted equally. But , Girls are less likely to be
termed as 'Pervert' even when they act like one.

50. A girl can hit the man as hard as she wants , But a man can never touch her
           When a woman hits a man, it's considered and thought that it's men's fault. While when a man
hits a woman, it's the man who is to blame.

51. Women live longer than men. This is not due to any biological differences-
             It seems that men life is on average harder than women, which pretty much sums up the
overall balance of who has the easiest and most pleasant life.

52. Women can wear men’s clothes, but men can’t

53. Woman have some pre-defined benefits , expect a man to open the door for you ,
            "ladies first" , "woman and children's first" , Pay your wives education loans .

54. Woman don't have to deal with heavy materials , Men's are forced or seen as the responsible to
carry a heavy object.

55. 97% of the Men's are the ones to make the first move and hence are more prone to emotional
stress and problems

56. Women receive 20% of the gross income as salary in the sport industry and men receive 7% of
the gross income. Even after this , women complain about the gender pay gap, isn't it their fault
that women sport receive less revenue because its not entertaining ? Men are payed less than
women and there exists a pay gap but in the men side.
Feminists : "Women don't need men , We'd be fine without them"


  191,704 (99.19%)  of Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electricians

  239,783 (98.97%) of Carpenters and joiners
  232,026 (98.27%) of Electricians and electrical fitters
  179,220 (98.06%) of Metal working production and maintenance fitters
  166,335 (98.05%) of Plumbers and heating and ventilating engineers
  57,618 (97.88%) of Mobile machine drivers and operatives n.e.c.
  110,531 (97.36%) of Fork-lift truck drivers
  323,319 (97.34%) of Large goods vehicle drivers
  171,296 (96.9%) of Elementary construction occupations
  41,046 (96.47%) of Glaziers, window fabricators and fitters
  31,495 (96.4%) of Electrical and electronics technicians
  30,863 (96.31%) of Floorers and wall tilers
  70,634 (96.08%) of Electrical and electronic trades n.e.c.
  234,483 (95.83%) of Construction and building trades n.e.c.
  78,003 (95.78%) of Design and development engineers
  51,551 (95.38%) of Telecommunications engineers
  37,767 (95.35%) of Skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades supervisors
  224,758 (95.34%) of Taxi and cab drivers and chauffeurs
  119,744 (94.98%) of Painters and decorators
  23,822 (94.68%) of Train and tram drivers
  47,696 (94.12%) of Metal machining setters and setter-operators
  20,107 (93.87%) of Hospital porters
  41,432 (93.79%) of Electrical engineers
  84,668 (93.24%) of Mechanical engineers
  32,584 (93.22%) of IT engineers
  40,264 (93.04%) of Refuse and salvage occupations
  20,144 (93.02%) of Precision instrument makers and repairers
  18,197 (93.01%) of Production managers and directors in mining and energy
  43,620 (92.73%) of Metal working machine operatives
  219,405 (92.65%) of  Van drivers
  35,133 (92.65%) of Electronics engineers
  59,747 (92.14%) of Production and process engineers
  118,468 (92%) of Bus and coach drivers
  81,338 (91.88%) of Construction operatives n.e.c.
  40,579 (91.81%) of Window cleaners
  14,491 (91.81%) of Rail transport operatives
  37,364 (91.7%) of Fire service officers (watch manager and below)
Men make up nearly all frontline combat military personnel

Men invent, build, create, and maintain most of what you use and benefit from them... and
that's what keeps you alive.
The Takeaways:
(1)You're lying to the world , and ourselves - Without women , we couldn't procreate. Without Men
we all die.
(2)There ARE gender roles. Telling yourselves there aren't is trying to imply men & women are equal-
we're not. Men are more vital.
(3)Feminists are delusional.
(4)For these reasons, men are the prize...not women.
You see , the truth is, it is not just men’s fault that the world is the way it is , it is women’s fault as well.
The truth is, women are just as much to blame for all the world’s evils as men are for the simple and
irrefutable sociological fact that it is women who raise the children to be the way they are.
The truth is women are now and have always been, the ones who are primarily responsible for
socializing the next generation of men.
Isn’t that true everywhere on the planet?
Who looks after the babies?
Who does all the caregiving?
Who works in the daycares?
Who are the elementary teachers in schools?
Who socializes the children?

The answer, women do.

Men go to work outside the home, but women raise the children.
You can’t argue with this, you can see it with your own eyes.
In the home, women are left to raise the kids. In the daycares, the attendants are primarily female.
In the schools, at least at the elementary level, women are the primary workers.
Women raise, nurture, and socialize the children and so if a man grows up to be a rapist, or a
psychotic CEO, or a callous politician, a pedophile, or a greedy capitalist whose only goal is proving
how good he is by how much money he’s worth, it is because women made them that way.

It is obvious, isn’t it?


"The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at 10% of the human race".
-Sally Miller Gearhart (feminist)

"Just as humans have the prior right to existence over dogs by virtue of being more highly involved
and having a superior consciousness, so women have a prior to existence of men. The elimination of
any male is, therefore, a righteous and good act, an act highly beneficial to women as well as act of
-Valerie Solanas (feminist)

"I believe that women have a capacity to understanding and compassion which a man structurally
does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it, he is just incapable of it."
-Barbara Jordan (feminist)

"I feel that man hating is a honourable and viable political act, that oppressed have a right to class-
hatred against the class that is oppressing them."
-Robin Morgan (feminist)

"Only when manhood is dead - and it will perish when ravaged feminity on longer sustain it-only
then will we know what it is to be free."
-Andrea Dworkin (feminist)

"Kill all men"

-Clementine ford(feminist)

"And the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual male. It is
mainly aquantative difference"
-susan griffin(feminist)

"The male element is a destructive force, stern, selfish, aggrandizing, loving war, violence, conquest,
acquisition, breeding in the material and moral world alike discord, disorder, disease, and death."
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton

"We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men."

-Elizabeth Cady Stanton

"The complete destruction of traditional marriage and nuclear family is the revolutionary or utopian
goal of feminism"
-Kate millate
these are some famous quotes from prominent feminist lived at the time of first wave, second wave,
third wave feminist era And if you say these peoples aren't real feminist that's "deflection".
Because these women are the god mothers of feminism ,who started ,who protest for women rights
by bashing males in a way in which they wouldn't prefer being bashed themselves.
If you're a feminist , you're same as those crooks.

EXTRA - Indian women have no responsibility in their families

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