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1HA#4: Who Am 1, Really

1. I felt I’m a person who has less self confidence when showing myself with
others. Because I always shy and afraid to tell my opinion and idea especially
with people that I’m not familiar with. I afraid that they will think my opinion
and idea is not good and I really care about what other people think of me.
2. The first thing I think is unwilling to show myself especially when speaking
English. Next, I always afraid of the unfamiliar environment, I afraid to go
some unfamiliar environment especially without my friends beside me.
Furthermore, I think that I’m not independent enough.

3. - I can speak Malay fluency

- I’m talented in dancing and I also love dance
- I have many family members love me
- as a extra students of account principles, I get A+ when SPM
- I can swim well
- I surrounds by positive friends
- I can made various of dessert
- I can cook
- I can play Kalimba

1HA#4.2: Who Am I, Really? by Hitendra Wadhwa

1. I’m not sure that is this label for me, I think is not good in English. When I’m in
the high school, I always get the lowest mark in English among all the
subjects. As I am not born in an English speaker family, we are not using
English in daily communication so that don’t have the opportunity to speak
English in home. Thus, I can’t speak with English confidently and fluency.
2. Of course, I don’t like this label
3. So I choose HELP University which use English in every communication
between each other as well as I hope that my English can be improved and
become confident to speak in English.

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