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EU expansion in the Balkans has been approved by the Netherlands

After the certainty of the Ukrainian conflict became increasingly uncertain, now the
Netherlands, which previously rejected the idea of expanding the EU, has agreed and
accelerated this expansion into the Western Balkans. Given the region's current state of
stress due to conflict, this expansion is invaluable for geopolitical reasons. Expansion into
the Western Balkans (WB6) was opened with the approval of the Kosovo visa liberalization
proposal by a majority of EU member country ambassadors. This was deemed necessary
and urgent to achieve a stronger position towards de-escalation of the conflict in Ukraine.

Turkey's opposition amendment package towards 2023 elections

Ahead of Turkey's presidential election in 2023, The Table for 6 Turkish opposition groups is
ready to face their opponents in the upcoming elections. on their agenda, they have
prepared changes to a constitutional package of 167 articles with nine main topics to return
Turkey to a parliamentary democracy system from the current executive presidency that
Erdogan brought in the 2017 referendum. The six parties that are members of The Table for
6 (Republican People's Party, CHP, the İYİ (Good) Party, Felicity Party, Democratic Party,
Future Party, and DEVA Party) have promised and are ready to end AKP's dominance after
20 years in power with Erdogan. [BalkanInsight]

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