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Journal Week 4

Name : Kandiasalma Yunita Salsabila

NIM : 220222600231

Offering : G

Date : 22/09/2022


When I was 13 years old, My mom decided to put me in Daarul Ukhuwwah Islamic Boarding

School for Girls 2. She decided that, Because my mom and my father separated. I accepted that

decision and felt a little bit sad, I can’t imagine how my life is without my family beside me.

The time has come, My family and I put all my things that already packed yesterday and go to

the boarding school. When we arrived, my senior and all the teachers greeted us, They checked all of

my things and showed my room. My mom hugged me and said “Goodbye, Goodluck my beautiful

daughter” I immediately cried and back to my room. I put down all my clothes in the cupboard, and

greeted all my roommates.

My first day in boarding school turned out well, I adapted just fine with all the routine there,

Wake up 3 AM everyday, Reciting Holy Quran, Pray, Go to the school, Take a nap, Washing Clothes,

Same routine everyday. But, I often got sick there, because of that, After 3 years I lived there, My

mother decided to take me back home and continue my high school education in public school. I came

back home and continue my education in SMAN 4 MALANG.

Sometimes I miss my roommates in boarding school, and when they on holiday I always meet


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