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Holiday in Brazil: marvelous scenery, extraordinary people, and rusty leaders

Brazil, perhaps you often thought about it as an exotic place, with shining beaches and rocky mountains,
together with beautiful people coming from a strong Portuguese tradition. My experience of Brazil is
only due to the people of the “Travel Magazine” who have been my wonderful sponsors for this trip on
the coast of Brazil, for which I’m currently writing about in this very magazine, so bear with me to find
out even more.

Also known as The Land of the Holy Cross is the biggest country in South America and the only one with
Portuguese background, renewed for its diverse landscape ranging from sights like rainforests, beaches,
and modern cities. The destinations of my trip were the coastal cities, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, both
very exotic and modern, having attractions like the Copacabana beach and the Pinacoteca.

Brazilians have a strong passion for activities such as partying, dancing, and enjoying themselves overall.
There are always clubs open, and it seems that it was the place where partying was invented, always
having a place for more, seeming like a real part-time job. Besides that, our main activity was
sightseeing, and you do have a lot of things to see there. Their biodiversity is doubtlessly splendid since
you can encounter new things at almost every step.

To sum up, Brazil was the destination of my dreams, having sights that I only could’ve dreamed of seeing,
and that did not disappoint me. I would recommend it to anybody who wants to embark on a unique

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