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Epe, Justine Paul O.


“The world is changing; global warming is a real thing.”

In the past seven years, we have experienced a lot of nature-related calamities that have caused so
much damage in terms of agriculture, society, and education. Way back in November 2020,
Northern Luzon was bombarded with a super typhoon named “Ulysses” that caused so much
catastrophe. It killed many lives. It damaged many businesses and fields. It destroys a nearly
destroyed nature.
In connection, as a student who doesn't have so much power to help the world, I need to think of
something that I can contribute—even in small ways—to heal the world. In recent activities, I
participated in a tree planting activity inside our school (Hacienda-Intal National High School),
wherein we planted many narra trees to help conserve the mini-nature trademark of the said school.
In all my honesty, I actually don't like nature-related activities because I am not a nature lover, but
due to the environmental problems that we have experienced and are still experiencing, it's time to
have a change of mind. I realized that planting trees is very satisfying to do and beneficial not just
to us but to the world as a whole. This may seem like a simple act, but this micro-effort, if put
together, can have a macro-effect that can help to balance everything.
As I plant my Narra tree on the ground, a big smile draws on my face. As I plant my Narra tree, I
silently wish that this Narra tree can hopefully heal the world. As I plant my narra tree, I can see a
bright future for the Earth—a green and clean planet.

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