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WRITING EXERCISE: Going to the cinema

You want to invite your friend Mario to go to the cinema. Write an e-mail to him.
Include the following points:

- Give him some information about the films

- Suggest one of the films and when to go
- Suggest something you can do after the film

Write between 70-90 words

Hi, Mario, what’s up?

Would you like to go to the cinema next Saturday? There are some very good
films on: King Robert V, Midnight Moon and Forever. I hate horror films, so
let’s not go to see one. King Robert is a historical drama; it is on at 9:10 and
Forever is on at 8:30. It’s a romantic comedy, and I love this type. I think we
could go to see this, and after that we can go out for dinner, or go clubbing
to the Old Town, what do you think?
Please reply and tell me
See you!

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