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Elite Private School

Business G11

1- Watch the following video and start to prepare a Business Plan:

How to Write a Business Plan Step by Step in 2021 - YouTube

Name of your business: Yj / Signature (drink&ride)

Date you started (or plan to start your business): 9/9 - BIRTHDAY

How much will it cost to start (or expand your business): 200k

Actual or projected annual revenues (from the past year and/or this current year): 250k+

Briefly describe your 3-5 primary products or services: Horse Stable including a specialty coffee shop

List pricing for your 3-5 primary products or services: horse riding 100+ Coffee 20+ Sweet 35 +

List cost of goods for your primary products or services: supplies + furniture + workers = 100k

Briefly describe what makes your products or services different and/or better than other similar
products or services:
This is a horse riding stable that has a specialty coffee shop so for all the horse riders and horse lovers
they can have a wonderful experience by riding and they can try a exclusive and special coffee and
List the top 5 ways you’ll market your products or services:
1- Make it in a stargeitc place
2- Advertise it in social media
3- Make discounts
4- Give gifts to costumers
5- Try to have the best quality than others
Briefly describe your experience and what makes you qualified to run this type of business:
I am a horse rider and a coffee lover and I think having a business like that might be successful and uniqe
also at the same time
What would be the biggest threat/obstacle to making this business a success:
Paying a big amount of money and not gaining it back as a business like that will be so expensive
however I will start everything step by step

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