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Math & Physics

Done by students:
Machan bader , Salem Al-Suwaidi, Yousif Al
Naqbi , Khalifa Al Blooshi , Saleh Mubarak
Gravity and free fall

Imagine dropping his apples

From the second floor window. What

Is it happening? Is the speed constant?

Or is the ball accelerating? If it was

Accelerates, at what rate?

Do you drop all things at the same time?

Care package An apple fell down

Newton theorized the same force that caused an apple to fall from a tree was also the force
that kept the moon in place. Over several years, Newton worked until he had developed the
law of universal gravitation, which debuted in his book Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy (1869).
Skydive Dubai

The physics behind skydiving involves the interaction between gravity and air resistance.
When a skydiver jumps out of a plane he starts accelerating downwards, until he reaches
terminal speed. ... By Newton's Second Law, ΣF = ma, and ΣF = W − D, so his acceleration a
is positive and therefore v increases.
One mathematical example using both free
falling and Trigonometry functions/equations

An apple falls out of a tree and takes 1.75s to strike

the ground. How high was the apple from ground?

d=. vi x t + 0.5 x g x t^2



Physics Model Video

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