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Throughout the history, across the world back to Buddha’s, Hinduism, and
ancient Greek philosophers , we have struggled to pin down who that
someone is. Finding your meaning of life in religious perspective we
happened have a look upon naturalism and supernaturalism. It is said that
supernaturalists having faith on God are to be considered with high moral
values and piousness. It is sometimes assumed that rejection of
supernatural God is immoral. Although, religion gives meaning to your life
but actions are not right because of fear of punishment by God but it is due
to one ought to act. Sometimes we have seen supernaturalistics with low
morality and naturalistic to be with high moral values. Buddhists believe
that human life is one of suffering and meditation is the only path to
enlightenment . Taoism believe in spiritual immortality where the spirit of
the body joins the universe after death. Nietzsche in his book THE
ANTICHRIST claims that the Christian religion and its morality are based
on imaginary fictions.However, "the whole of that fictitious world has its
sources in hatred of the natural.Such hatred results from the decadence of
Christianity, which is reflected by the Christian conception of God.The
ontological argument of Saint Anselm shows that if God possibly exists the
God actually exists . In the teleological argument by William Paley he proof
the existence of god by watch analogy he said that if the complex watch is
designed by someone than this universe which is more complex must be
designed by someone. Science is the study of natural world through
observations and experiments .The meaning of scientific explanations is
that researchers proved a hypothesis to be correct about why a specific
phenomena occurs. Science reveals things so profoundly e.g the sequence
of DNA letters , the information about planets and galaxies. The Darwin
theory proposed that evolution occurs through phenomena called natural
selection whereas Genesis proposed the big bang theory .Agency is the
capacity of the individuals to act independently and to make their own free
choices on the other hand structure is the institutions , the society , the
norms . The structure is dominant and put limits what agent can do.
Structuralism implies that elements of human culture must be understood
by the way of their relationship. Poststructuralism refers to a way of thinking
that emphasizes the radical uncertainty of knowledge (particularly
knowledge in language) and posits that “truth” is not a fixed concept, but
instead constantly changes based on your cultural, political, social, and
economic position in the world. Talking about the ideaology and subjectivity
we all may have different types of igologies i.e capitalist , secular , atheist .
Secular ideology says Region is a personal matter. Identity is the qualities,
beliefs, personality traits, appearance, and/or expressions that characterize
a person or group. In sociology, emphasis is placed on collective identity, in
which an individual's identity is strongly associated with role-behavior or the
collection of group memberships that define them. There are different types
of identities i.e. legitimizing identity, resistance identity and project identity.
We all have a different manner of identifying ourselves . One may identify
himself as member of media or other may identify himself as student or
teacher but more specifically we will identify our selves from the groups we
belong too. But there are opposing groups as well they don’t identify
themselves in the same way we do. Thoroughly, people are more inclined
towards their religious identities.

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