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Interview with an English teacher

What is your name? _Analice Amorim_
Where do you work? _Panda School of Early Childhood Education_

1. Tell me a little about your work routine as an English teacher. For
how long have you been a teacher?
Analice reported that she has been teaching English to young
children between the ages of 2 and 6 for almost a year now. She
explained that her work routine typically involves creating lesson plans
and activities that are both fun and educational for her children. She also
mentioned that she spends a lot of time preparing materials, such as
catchy songs and figurative objects, to use during class. Overall, Analice
strives to create a welcoming and engaging environment in her
classroom that encourages her students to learn and develop their
English skills.
2. What strategies do you use to keep young children engaged and
interested in learning English?
She explained that she incorporates games, songs, interactive and
movement activities into her lessons to make learning fun for the
children. She also uses visual aids such as pictures, videos, props, and
flashcards to help illustrate concepts and keep them interested. As she
mentioned before, she said she focuses on creating a positive and
supportive classroom environment, where the students feel comfortable
and confident practicing their English skills. She believes that building
relationships with the kids and tailoring her teaching approach to their
individual needs is the key to keeping them engaged and motivated to
3. Can you give me an example of a creative lesson plan or activity
that you have used in your class?
When asked, Analice said that one of her favorite activities is to set
up a scavenger hunt around the classroom. In this game, the children
have to find and collect objects related to a specific theme or vocabulary
words they have learned. She hides pictures of animals around the
classroom and tells the children to find the pictures and place them on a
board with the corresponding English word, for example. She mentioned
that she finds this activity not only fun but also helpful in practicing the
children's skills and socializing with each other.
4. What do you find most fulfilling about teaching English to young
She reported that she finds teaching young children to be incredibly
fulfilling. She stated that she enjoys watching her students' progress and
development over time, and takes pride in helping them grow in
confidence and become more comfortable speaking English. She also
mentioned that being a part of their educational journey is rewarding, as
she loves to see that "little human" being formed. Additionally, she finds
working with young children to be fun and engaging, and appreciates the
energy and enthusiasm they bring to the classroom.
5. Do you have any interest in teaching English to older age groups,
such as teenagers or adults?
Analice said that at the moment, she does not have any interest in
teaching English to older age groups such as teenagers or adults. She
explained with an embarrassed laugh that while she respects and
admires those who do, she personally finds teaching young children to
be more fulfilling and enjoyable. She believes that teaching young
children requires a unique set of skills and strategies that may not
necessarily apply to teaching older age groups.

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