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Lifestyle & Illness

Jake Logan Condon


In this assignment I hope to outline my understanding of the conversion of food into energy,
highlighting how it can vary from individual, to individual. With this I’d like to investigate substance
abuse, listen & investigating into the different risks associated with each. Following from this, I’d like
to briefly scan illness found within the general population. Flipping over, I’d like to see the
importance of role models in society today, carrying out an analysis to see how they impact the well-
being of an individual collectively.

I will present this information in a manner that is easily read by the reader, whilst provided all the
relevant information needed. I will do so by carrying out intensive research into all the areas,
removing the waste & focusing on the core detail that is needed for all the areas.

Energy Conversion
Explain how food is converted into energy, whilst identifying factors that can affect the energy requirements of an

Regarding energy conversion, our body first intakes food which provides us with nutrients & energy.
Such nutrients & energy, enable our body to function normally, hence, why it’s so important that we
intake food regularly. The process of said food, being broken down is known as digestion. Digestion
allows for nutrients to be broken down via the bloodstream, where they are then transported to
various cells found within the body. Such cells use these nutrients, mainly glucose to produce energy
through a system known as cellular respiration.

Cellular respiration occurs when glucose & energy combine, releasing a form of adenosine
triphosphate. Otherwise known as ATP. ATP then becomes the main source of energy for majority of
these cells, allowing for bodily functions such as muscle contraction, etc. to occur. (Osmosis. 2023.)
Glucose that is not used within the system, then is stored within the liver & muscles as glycogen
which can then be converted back into glucose in the future where needed. Therefore, food
conversion is a multi-complicated series of actions conducted by the body to enable it to function at
a normal rate.

In relation to how food is converted into energy, I’d now like to look at different factors that may
cause an effect of the energy requirements of an individual. Energy requirements of everyone vary
for many reasons. Hence, they are complex in nature. Therefore, an individual must understand their
own energy requirement to promote a healthy well-being. Below, I’ll go through three different
factors that may can an effect of the energy requirements of an individual.

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First, we’ll investigate the role your genetics may play in energy requirement. No-one is similar,
therefore there will be slight differences found in the way we metabolise foods. Some may
metabolise foods, quicker than others. Hence, their metabolic needs being much quicker, compared
to someone with a slow metabolism. Said individual with a higher metabolism, may need to
consume more calories to function. Therefore, their need for energy being higher, also.


Secondly, we’ll investigate the role your gender may play in energy requirement. If we compare the
body of both female & male, we can show that one may have more muscle mass than the other. This
is due to the larger amount of testosterone found in males, which enables them to pack on more
size than their counterpart, that being a female. As they’ll have more muscle on their frame, they
will need to consume more calories to function. Therefore, their need for energy being higher, also.


Lastly, we’ll investigate the role your age may play in energy requirement. Likewise, with gender. If
we compare the energy demand of a younger individual, with an older individual we’ll see a stark
contrast as a younger individual demands more energy, as their output is much greater than that of
the older individual. This is as they are still growing & developing. Hence, their body requires it to
consume more calories to function. Therefore, their need for energy being higher, also.

Diet Guidelines
Outline the current diet guidelines, whilst expanding on the link between link between exercise & well-being.

There are various diet guidelines found online, it’s our job to figure out which we favour & what
works best for our body. Therefore, I’ll go through three guidelines that are universal. Afterwards, I’ll
look at the link between exercise & well-being, again, looking at another three benefits that arise
through exercise.


Within a diet, we’ll find the main three macronutrients titled below. It’s our job to construct a
healthy, balanced diet containing all three macronutrients. In relation to carbohydrates, we should
look to replace processed foods, with that of whole foods. Take for example white rice. If we look to
replace said food, with a healthier alternative such as brown rice. It’ll enable us to implement fibre
into the diet, whilst reducing processed sugars. Allowing us to create a more well-rounded diet.

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In relation to proteins, we should look to increase our consumption of lean protein. Not that of fatty
protein, like minced beef. Fish, poultry, etc. is all recommended due to its low-fat content, whilst
containing a high amount of essential nutrients which enable our body to function. As an average
person consumes a high amount of fat in their diet already, it’s key that we ensure they limit the
amount of in-direct fat consumption from protein. Allowing us to create a more well-rounded diet.


In relation to fats, we should look to limit our intake of saturated & trans fats, such as cakes, biscuits,
etc. In place of said fats, we’ll like to introduce healthier options, such as avocado, nuts, etc. It’s
important that an individual understands that having fat in their diet is not a negative, whilst being
essential for bodily functions. Fat acts as a storage for the glucose our body doesn’t use, which
enables us to insulate & protect our vital organs. Therefore, the addition of unsaturated fat should
be a must in most diets. Allowing us to create a more well-rounded diet.

Taking the above diet guidelines into account, we can note a significant improvement on the overall
well-being of an individual. This is due to the implementation of necessary nutrients that optimize
our health, reducing risks of any chronic diseases long-term. Below, I’ll provide additional effects
that a well-rounded diet provides.

 Mood: Firstly, a well-rounded diet has been shown to help reduce symptoms of depression
& anxiety. (Tello, M. 2020.) Therefore, improving on the overall well-being of an individual.
 Energy: Secondly, a well-rounded diet provides our bodies with all the necessary nutrients &
energy. Therefore, enabling us to stay active throughout the day.
 Weight: Finally, a well-rounded diet can help keep a healthy weight. Therefore, reducing the
risk of obesity-related diseases.

Substance Abuse
Define substance abuse, providing various examples that can occur.

When we talk about substance abuse, we refer to the excessive use of certain substances such as
drugs, alcohol, etc. Excessive use of either, can lead to physical, psychological & social repercussions.
(Mayo. 2022.) Substance abuse can take various forms. From the individual with physical
dependence, to the individual with psychological dependence. Below, I’ll take a more in-depth look
into both, expanding on their effect on the individual themselves.


Physical dependence refers to when an individual adapts to the original effect of a substance. As
their body adapts, they can function as normal. Due to this, the effect of the substance lowers.
Therefore, to reach prior effects an individual will increase their dosages. This can be severe, or even
life-threatening. Therefore, when an individual looks to come off a substance, they may face with
withdrawal symptoms which can last up to ~2 weeks. Throughout this period, an individual will not

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be able to function how they once did, due to dependency on a substance to function. We
commonly see this with substances such as opioids, benzodiazepines, etc. As the case is difficult to
overcome, it’s important that a professional in the field is deployed to aid such recovery.


In contrast, psychological dependence refers to when an individual is emotionally & mentally

attached to the effects that a substance may have on their life. In such cases, an individual may
experience the likes of anxiety & depression. To combat these negative feelings, they turn their
attention to a substance. As the substance in the short-term will combat these feelings, they
continue to abuse. Dependant on the severity of the emotional issue, the more of a substance an
individual may take. Again, this can be severe, or even life-threatening. We commonly see this with
substances such as cannabis, cocaine, etc. As the case is difficult to overcome, it’s important that a
professional in the field is deployed to aid such recovery. (Recovery. 2021.)

Drug Classification
List the various classification of drugs, considering the risks associated with taking drugs.

Drugs can be categorized based on the effects they have on the individual. There are ~6 different
drug types, each with their own characteristics, which being the effects & risks involved. Below, I’ll
provide a table, showcasing each. Supplying an example when necessary.

Drug Classification Table

Name Examples Effects Risks
Stimulants. Adderall, cocaine, ecstasy Used to speed up the Anxiety, paranoia,
& caffeine. nervous system. psychosis & depression.
Depressants. Xanax, valium, rohypnol & Used to slow down the Confusion, dizziness,
alcohol. nervous system. speaking difficulties &
Opioids. Heroin, morphine, Used to create a sense of Anxiety, sweating, runny
oxycontin & codeine. euphoria. nose & watery eyes.
Hallucinogens. Psilocybin, peyote, LSD & Used to alter the Paranoia, anxiety,
ketamine. perception of reality. increased blood pressure &
Inhalants. Deodorizers, aerosol, Used to create a sense of Brain damage, nosebleeds,
nitrous oxide & glues. euphoria, in the form of weakness & increased
fumes. heart rate.
Cannabis. Marijuana, hashish, hash & Used as an anti-depressant. Depression, chronic
cannabis-based medicine. anxiety, sedation &
impaired sense.
(Doty, A. 2022)

Consider common illnesses within the general population, giving an overview of four.

A common illness regarding the general population refers to a health condition that is widespread.
Therefore, affecting many people within the population itself. Such illnesses are often widespread as
they are easily transmitted from one individual to another, through the forms of viruses, bacteria,
etc. Below, I’ll provide an overview of four I’ve took note of throughout my research.

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First illness we’ll look at is the common cold. The common cold refers to a viral illness which impacts
the upper part of the respiratory system. It is mainly caused due to various viruses that are spread in
the form of droplets, or found on contaminated surfaces. Symptoms regarding the common cold
include the likes of a cough, runny nose, etc. Thankfully, most people recover from such an illness
roughly ~2 weeks. However, the minority may suffer from the likes of sinusitis, or an ear infection.
There is no cure currently available for the cold, but medication can help relieve some of the
symptoms. (HSE. 2023.)


Second illness we’ll look at is influenza. Influenza refers to a contagious viral illness that can affect
everyone. Most damaging for young children, or older adults where a weakened immune system
may be present. Just like the common cold, this virus can be spread via droplets. Symptoms about
influenza include the likes of a fever, chills, etc. Best practice to prevent getting influenza is the
vaccine. Recommended yearly, to allow for continued protection. However, the minority who chose
not to get the vaccine will be exposed to symptoms such as pneumonia, which can be life-
threatening to the individual. (HSE. 2023.)


Third illness we’ll look at is gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis refers to another viral illness in the form
of infection. This illness is a bacterial infection found within the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms
regarding gastroenteritis include the likes of nausea, vomiting, etc. It is transmitted via contaminated
food, or water. The illness itself can be mild, or severe depending on the individual. If the individual
is already predisposed to other conditions, the severity will be enlarged in this case. In such severe
cases, it may cause the likes of dehydration, which can be dangerous for the likes of young children,
older adults, etc. There is no cure per say for this illness, as the recommended treatment includes
rest, hydration & in rare cases medication. (HSE. 2023.)

Urinary Tract Infection

Final illness we’ll look at is the Urinary Tract Infection, otherwise known as “UTI”. UTI, like
gastroenteritis refers to a bacterial infection that affects the urinary system, which includes the likes
of the bladder, urethra & kidneys. This form of illness, unlike the prior, are more commonly found
within women. Symptoms of UTI include the likes of painful urination, frequent urination, etc. If such
illness stays for a prolonged period, it may cause kidney infections. Therefore, treatment must be
put in place. Treatment for UTI include the likes of antibiotics, hydration, etc. If an individual notes
that they have UTI, it’s recommended that they speak to a professional as it can lead to more serious
complications long-term if not treated in the correct manner. (HSE. 2023.)

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Roles & Responsibilities
Outline the roles & responsibilities of agencies, both at local & national level.
Within Ireland, there are many agencies, both at a local & national level. Each with their own set of
roles & responsibilities that they must work towards, in-line with government policies. Below, I’ll
outline two of each, both at local & national level highlighting their role & responsibility within

Health Service Executive

Local level one.
First agency we’ll outline at a local level is the Health Service Executive. The Health Service
Executive, otherwise known as the “HSE” holds responsibility for managing & providing healthcare
services at a local level. This entails management of hospitals & healthcare facilities whilst providing
primary care to those in need. Therefore, to publicize public health, they have set-up initiatives such
as health promotion campaigns, vaccination programs & so on. Hence, being a key agency at a local

Local Enterprise Office

Local level two.
Following on, we’ve the Local Enterprise Office, otherwise known as the “LEO”. The LEO holds
responsibility for supplying support to businesses at a local level. This can come in many forms. For
example, they provide the likes of training, advice & financial assistance. Whilst doing so, they work
to promote entrepreneurship & innovation within the locality. (LEO. 2023.) All of this combined
enables small businesses to function & flourish. In return, the locality itself will prosper. Hence,
being a key agency at a local level.

Revenue Commissioners
National level one.
Moving onto agencies at a national level. First, we’ve the Revenue Commissioners. The Revenue
Commissioners holds responsibility for collecting taxes & duties within Ireland. This includes the likes
of income tax, custom duties, etc. In addition, it’s their role to enforce tax laws & regulations within
Ireland, whilst investigating tax evasion to ensure no illegal activity is occurring. In contrast, they can
also provide advice & guidance to taxpayers in the form of education to ensure that the correct
procedures are being followed. Hence, being a key agency at a national level.

An Garda Síochána
National level two.
Finally, we’ll cover An Garda Síochána, the police force found within Ireland. An Garda Síochána
holds responsibility for maintaining law & order. Therefore, they can prevent any criminal activity
from occurring, whilst saving the life & property of an individual. An Garda Síochána is broken into
various divisions. Each division has a different role to play into keeping law & order, such as traffic
control, detective work, etc. (Garda. 2022.) An Garda Síochána itself is a national agency. However,
we must note that the different divisions will work at a local level to ensure public safety. (Dublin
Metropolitan Region, North-western Region, Eastern Region & the Southern Region.) Hence, being a
key agency at both, local & national level.

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Role Model
Highlight the importance of being a positive role model in promoting health.
It’s important in life that we surround ourselves with a positive role model. Especially in relation to
our health. By doing so, we can reach out for inspiration & motivation to adopt healthy behaviours
which in return will lead to a higher quality of life. Below, I’ll highlight three positive role models I’ve
took note of regarding health, providing an example when necessary.

Firstly, we’ll look at our teachers as a positive role model in relation to our health. If we think about
what a role model is. It’s someone that we surround ourselves with. Throughout our younger life,
even through adulthood we’ll always have someone that we view as a teacher. Hence, their
importance is great on our life. Throughout adolescence, it’s a great time for a teacher to promote
nutrition & exercise. Doing so, it’ll promote healthy habits that we can take with us through life.
Additionally, they can promote the likes of mental health. Something that is very popular today.
They can do this, by providing stress-management techniques & coping mechanisms that, also, we
can take with us through life. Above, should highlight the importance having a positive role model in
relation to a teacher can be. In contrast, if a teacher spoke upon bad eating habits. Such habits may
influence, or persuade those in the room to follow suit. Therefore, the teacher would be seen as a
negative role model, other than that of the positive role model that we spoke about beforehand.

Next, we’ll look at our parent, or parents as a positive role model in relation to our health. In
contrast to a teacher, our parent, or parents will be with us for life. Therefore, they have the
greatest impact on our life. Hence, we would hope that they would be a positive role model for us.
As a child, we look up to our parent, or parents. Almost mimicking their every move. Therefore, it’s
important that our parent, or parents have already developed healthy eating habits, alongside with
regular exercise. The parent, or parents can then educate their child on the role both, nutrition &
exercise has on their life. In return, the child will develop healthy habits that they can take with them
through life. In comparison, if the parent, or parents were considered obese & constantly had poor
food choices, the more likely the child would be to follow suit with this way of life. Such habits would
be viewed as a negative as the child would have to deal with health complications later in life, due to
the poor habits formed by the parent, or parents. Therefore, they would be seen as a negative role
model, other than that of the positive role model that we spoke about beforehand.

Finally, we’ll look at our friends as a positive role model in relation to our health. Having the right
circle around us can be a powerful tool throughout life. Take, if our friends have already developed
healthy eating habits, alongside with regular exercise the more likely you will be to follow suit. You
may not have such healthy eating habits at the beginning, but overtime you will find yourself eating
& training the same way they do. Habits like these can be enforced by the support & encouragement
you may find by hanging around with this circle of friends. Therefore, friends like so can be viewed
as a positive as they uplift your quality of life, rather than bringing it downward. In contrast, if your
circle of friends where out drinking, while doing drugs. You may be encouraged to do the same, or
even be peer pressured into doing so. Therefore, they would be seen as a negative role model, other
than that of the positive role model that we spoke about beforehand.

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Health Analysis
Conduct a health analysis, supplying a conclusion from your research.

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(NHS. 2023.)

Overall, I feel like my eating habits are healthy. I’ve took note of places where I can improve.
Especially with the likes of fruit & vegetable in-take. I’d like to get to around 5-a-day. On the other
hand, with exercise I feel like I’m in a good place, also. However, I’d like to increase my general
activity as I feel as do I’m active only through training & not by any other means. Finally, with
relation to drinking & smoking. I think I’ve done a good job at staying away from both. Especially in
the past where I would’ve went drinking multiple times throughout the week. Now I drink rarely,
only really on special occasions. Roughly once, or twice a year. Again, I’m happy that I’ve done this
analysis on myself, as it gives me a great awareness on where I’m currently at, whilst providing the
steps I’ll need to take moving forward.

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Health & Well-being
Examine the holistic approach to well-being, whilst showcasing its merit.
When we speak about the holistic approach to health & well-being, we refer to the whole individual
themselves. Considering the mind, body & the spirit to promote a fruitful life. Therefore, the belief is
that if all the above are fulfilled, the overall well-being of an individual will be improved. Below, I’ll
examine different approaches, whilst showcasing their merit.

Firstly, one of the merits includes its recognition of the root cause of health issues, rather than
treating the symptoms itself. Using this approach, the individual can gain a better understanding of
the underlying factors that may be contributing to their health issues. Such challenges could include
the likes of stress, poor nutrition & lack of exercise. Therefore, by taking note of the root cause, an
individual can take steps forward into improving their overall health & well-being.

Secondly, one of the merits includes the acknowledgement of differences from individual, to
individual. Therefore, it recognises that even though we have similar health issues, our solutions are
vastly different. Such differences could include the likes of physical, emotional & spiritual needs.
Therefore, by addressing said needs, an individual can take steps forward into improving their
overall health & well-being.

Finally, one of the merits includes its recognition that health & well-being isn’t based off not having
an illness. It’s based off the individual themselves, with how they feel physically, mentally & socially.
Therefore, it encourages the individual to focus on themselves. This could include the likes of
enforcing exercise, healthy eating & stress management. Therefore, by turning their attention to
something positive, an individual can take steps forward into improving their overall health & well-

Considering all the above, we can see the holistic approach as a guideline for an individual to follow
to promote health & well-being. They will become aware of both their strengths & weaknesses.
Then, being able to put a plan in place to hopefully turn said weaknesses into a strength. Hence,
being a highly personal approach to promoting health & well-being in an individual. (Health, N.S.W.

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To conclude this assignment, I feel that I’ve hit all the markets set out in the introduction. I’ve
thoroughly investigated all the areas covered above, without giving any unwanted information. I’ve
done so by presenting the information clearly, in a way that it makes the readers time easier in the
hopes that more information will be taken in.

On reflection, I could possibly have added images in portions of the assignment. However, I felt as
though any images that I would’ve added wouldn’t have fairly represented the points I was trying to
make throughout the assignment. Therefore, in the future, I’d like to investigate ways to include
images smartly, where they can enhance the visual elements of what is being spoken about.

I hope you enjoyed reading & indulging into this assignment. I had an enjoyable time researching &
laying out the information. I hope to continue to learn about the intricacies involved within lifestyle
& illness as I’ve noted their importance within society today.

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Doty, A. 2022. Types of drugs: Opioids, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens & more, The Recovery
Village Drug & Alcohol Rehab. Available at: (Accessed: March 17, 2023.)

Garda. 2022. Organisation, Garda. Available at:

structure. (Accessed: March 19, 2023.)

Health, N.S.W. 2023. What is a Holistic Approach? Available at:
%20wellbeing. (Accessed: March 20, 2023.)

HSE. 2023. Conditions & Treatments, HSE. Available at:
(Accessed: March 18, 2023.)

LEO. 2023. About Us, Local Enterprise Office. Available at:
(Accessed: March 19, 2023.)

Mayo. 2022. Drug Addiction, Mayo Clinic. Available at:

conditions/drug-addiction/symptoms-causes/syc-20365112. (Accessed: March 17, 2023.)

NHS. 2023. Quiz. NHS. Available at: (Accessed:

March 19, 2023.)

Osmosis. 2023. Cellular Respiration. Available at:

respiration. (Accessed: March 1, 2023.)

Recovery. 2021. Understanding the difference between physical and psychological dependence,
Comprehensive Wellness Centres. Available at:
the-difference-between-physical-and-psychological-dependence. (Accessed: March 17, 2023.)

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Tello, M. 2020. Diet & Depression, Harvard Health. Available at:
(Accessed: March 17, 2023.)

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