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Tutorial 3: Counting and Venn Diagram

1. A group of 60 students sat for a test constitutes of three questions. Every student attempted
at least one question. Twenty students did not attempt the first question. Fifteen students
failed to attempt the second question. Two students attempted the first question only. Ten
students attempted the third question only. Five students attempted the second and third
question only. Nineteen students answered all three questions. Find the number of students
attempted exactly two questions.

2. Draw a Venn diagram that represents the following expression.

(C ∩ ( A ∪ B )) \ (B \ A)

3. Given the following Venn diagram.


Shade the region in the diagram for the following expressions.

a) ( A ∪ B ) ∩ (C '∩ B ').
b) [(B ∪ C ) − A]'.
4. A veterinarian surveys 26 of his patrons. He discovers that 14 of them have dogs, 10 have
cats and 5 have fish. He also discovered that 4 of them have dogs and cats, 3 have dogs
and fish and 1 has cat and fish. If no one has all three kinds of pets, how many patrons have
none of these pets?

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