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Hum Genet (1991) 87:654-656

9 Springer-Verlag 1991

3'creatine kinase (M-type) polymorphisms

linked to myotonic dystrophy in Italian and Spanish populations
Massimo Gennarelli ~, Giuseppe Novelli 2, Ana Cobo 3, Montserrat Baiget 3, and Bruno Dallapiccola t *
l Department of Public Health and Cell Biology, IInd University of Rome, Rome, Italy
2Department of Genetics, University of Urbino, Urbino, Italy
3Unitat de Genetica Molecular, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain

Received January 8, 1991

Summary. Linkage analysis and haplotype characteriza- Materials and methods

tion for the allelic system detected at the 3'creatine kinase
muscle type ( C K M M ) locus were carried out in 59 myo- A total of 59 DM families comprising 347 individuals have been
tonic dystrophy ( D M ) families from Italy and Spain. A studied. Clinical diagnosis of DM was performed according to the
criteria of Harper (1989) and the definition of the working group
maximum lod score (Zmax) of 21.26 at a recombination fre- on the molecular defect in DM (Griggs et al. 1989).
q u e n c y (0) of 0.00 was found. N o statistically significant Genomic DNA was extracted by enzymatic lysis according to
linkage disequilibrium was observed b e t w e e n D M and standard procedures and analyzed by Southern blotting and/or the
the R F L P s examined. H o w e v e r , a substantial linkage polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Southern blot analysis was per-
disequilibrium was f o u n d between C K M M - T a q I and formed as described by Brunner et al. (1989) using a 3.2 kb human
C K M M - N c o I sites in these two populations. genomic DNA fragment (BamHI-Sau3A) (courtesy of B. Wieringa)
as a probe to identify CKMM alleles. Two oligonucleotide prim-
ers of 21- and 23-mer (5'GTGCGGTGGACACAGCTGCCG3':
neluk) which flank the polymorphic sites (Taql and Ncol) were
Introduction synthesized in a DNA synthesizer (318A Applied Biosystem, War-
rington, UK) and used at a 0.5 gM concentration in the PCR mix-
The m y o t o n i c d y s t r o p h y ( D M ) locus has b e e n m a p p e d ture. Aliquots ranging from 100 ng-I Ixg of genomic DNA were
used for each 1001,tl reaction mix, consisting of 10mM Tris-HCl,
to the 19q13.2-q13.3 region by extensive linkage stud- 50mM KCI, 1.2mM MgC12, 0.01% gelatin, 250gM each dNTP,
ies, using several D N A markers ( H u m p h r i e s et al. 1983; and 2.5 units of Taq polymerase (Perkin/Elmer-Cetus, Norwalk,
Shaw et al. 1985; Pericak-Vance et al. 1986; Bartlett et Conn., USA). Initial denaturation was at 95~ for 7 min, followed
al. 1987; K o r n e l u k et al. 1989a, b). A c o m b i n e d physical by 30 cycles of 95~ denaturation (1 min), 55~ annealing (1 min),
and genetic m a p s h o w e d that the markers most closely 72~ extension (1.5 rain), with a final 72~ extension for 7 min in
linked to D M reside in c h r o m o s o m a l region of about an automated thermocycler (Perkin/Elmer-Cetus, Norwalk, Conn..
USA). A 10-btl volume of PCR products was digested in separate
5 Mb ( L e B e a u et al. 1989; Smeets et al. 1990). The mus- tubes with 20 units of TaqI and NcoI (Biorad, Milan, Italy). The
cle-specific creatine kinase ( C K M M ) gene ( P e r r y m a n et
al. 1986; Stallings et al. 1988) is the most thightly linked
m a r k e r currently used for p r e s y m p t o m a t i c and prenatal
diagnosis of this disease ( B r u n n e r et al. 1989; Y a m a o k a
et al. 1990; Gennarelli et al. 1990). Linkage studies
and informativity of C K M M in D M families f r o m N o r t h
A m e r i c a , C a n a d a , The Netherlands and Finland have
been reported. T h e y provide suitable information for
D M diagnostic p r o g r a m s ( B r u n n e r et al. 1989; N o k e -
lainen et al. 1990; Y a m a o k a et al. 1990).
In this paper we report data on the gene and haplo-
type frequencies of two allelic systems detected at the
C K M M locus in 59 D M families f r o m Italy and Spain.
O u r results prove the usefulness and applicability of
C K M M analysis for p r e s y m p t o m a t i c testing and early
fetal diagnosis in our populations.

* Present address and address for offprint requests: Dipartimento di Fig. 1. Ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel electrophoresis of the
Sanitfi Pubblica e Biologia Cellulare, c/o C.R.I. Laboratorio Cen- PCR products undigested (lane 1) and digested with TaqI (lanes 2,
trale, Servizio di Genetica, Via Ramazzini, 15, 1-00151 Rome, Italy 4, 6, 8, IO, 12) and with NcoI (lanes 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13)

digested fragments were separated on a 2% agarose gel in TBE and n o n - D M c h r o m o s o m e s of fully informative D M pa-
1 x buffer at 90 V for 90 rain and visualized directly by ethidium tients, are in accordance with published data.
bromide staining and UV inspection (Fig. 1). Haplotypes were as- Table 2 reports the frequencies of the C K M M locus
signed by hand according to segregation analysis. Allelic associa-
tions and linkage disequilibrium quantification were evaluated es- p h e n o t y p e s , which are in a g r e e m e n t with the expecta-
sentially according to Nokelainen et al. (1990). Two-point linkage tions of the H a r d y - W e i n b e r g equilibrium ( H W E ) for the
analysis was performed using the MLINK program [Version 5.03, TaqI R F L P . A significant deviation from H W E has b e e n
updated by Ott (1985)] assuming a gene frequency of 1/10000 for observed for the NcoI R F L P (P < 0.05). This suggests a
the mutant DM allele. Individuals at risk for DM were assigned to p r o b a b l e m o r e recent origin of this p o l y m o r p h i s m , in
liability classes as described in Haam et al. (1988). spite of the fact that the TaqI site is an "ancient" one,
and/or that a n o n - r a n d o m intermingling of individuals
occurred in our subpopulations (Spiess 1989). This ac-
R e s u l t s and discussion cords with the i n t r a - C K M M R F L P s linkage disequilib-
rium f o u n d in this study ( A = - 0 . 3 2 ; Amax = 0.242) with
Allelic frequencies detected at the C K M M locus for TaqI a chi-squared value of 22.02 (P < 0.001), with I df (Table
and NcoI R F L P s are r e p o r t e d in Table 1. T h e allelic fre- 3). This disequilibrium does not affect the informativity
quencies and p o t y m o r p h i s m information content (PIC) of the C K M M R F L P system; in fact, the P I C of 0.65,
in our sample, which includes healthy family m e m b e r s calculated f r o m the haplotype frequencies at this locus,
is similar to the value obtained u n d e r the hypothesis of
no linkage disequilibrium. F o r each p o l y m o r p h i s m or
Table 1. Allelic frequencies of RFLPs at the CKMM locus haplotype, no statistically significant difference was ob-
Probe-enzyme Alleles detected by Fre- PIC served for particular associations with normal or D M
c h r o m o s o m e s ( P > 0.05) (Table 3). This is in a g r e e m e n t
Southern PCR quen-
cies with the results previously published for D u t c h and Fin-
nish populations. Table 4 reports the linkage analysis be-
3'CKMM-Taql 1 (4.3kb) (ll70bp) 0.27 tween D M and C K M M . N o unequivocal crossovers were
2 (4.2kb) (1020bp+150bp) 0.73 0.32 observed in the 174 informative meioses analyzed. The
3'CKMM-NcoI 1 (3.5kb) (1170bp) 0.33 m a x i m u m lod score (Zm~x) for D M - C K M M was 21.26 at
2 (2.5kb) (985bp + 185bp) 0.67 0.34 a r e c o m b i n a t i o n fraction (0m~) of 0.00. The values are
given assuming 0 males = 0 females.
O u r analysis confirms tight linkage of C K M M to D M
Table 2. Distribution of the CKMM locus phenotypes in Italian as previously shown in other populations ( B r u n n e r et al.
and Spanish populations, ns, Not significant 1989: N o k e l a i n e n et al. 1990; Y a m a o k a et al. 1990). Pre-
sent data also support evidence of D M genetic h o m o -
Enzyme Pheno- No. of phenotypes X2 (for HWE) geneity in different ethnic groups ( T a k e m o t o et al. 1990)
type Observed Expected and are relevant for counselling and prenatal diagnsosis
of this disease in south E u r o p e a n populations. The avail-
1-1 7 8.9
ability of D N A markers distal to the D M locus ( J o h n s o n
Taql 1-2 53 48.1 1.04 (ns)
et al. 1990) and the P C R - b a s e d protocols r e p o r t e d in this
2-2 62 65.0
study, which allow the analysis of the C K M M / R F L P s ,
1-1 7 13.28 should greatly improve the accuracy of g e n o t y p e assess-
NcoI 1-2 66 53.90 6.27 (P < 0.05) m e n t in D M families.
2-2 49 54.76
Acknowledgements. Many thanks to the DM families for their con-
tinuing cooperation in the present study. This work was supported
by P. F. Ingegneria Genetica (no 91.00037.PF99) and Biotecnologie
Table 3. Haplotype frequencies at the CKMM locus in 59 DM pa- e Biostrumentazione, CNR (Italy). The financial support of Tele-
tients and 220 normal chromosomes thon, Italy for the project "Molecular study of the DM gene" is
Haplotypes DM patients Controls gratefully acknowledged. A.C. is a recipient of a FISS (Fondo de
Investigaciones de la Seguridad Social) fellowship. We wish to thank
TaqI-NcoI Observed Expected Observed Expected Robert Korneluk (Ottawa) for his encouragement and support.
1-1 0 5.1 3 19.0
1-2 17 10.8 50 40.4
2-1 14 13.8 67 51.4
2-2 28 29.3 100 109.0 Bartlett R J, Periak-Vance MA, Yamoka L, Gilbert J, Herbstreith
M, Hung WY, Lee JE, Mohands T, Bruns G, Laberge C,
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A, Smeetts H, Lambermon HMM, van Oost BA, Wieringa B,
0.00 0.0t 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.50 Ropers HH (1989) Myotonic dystrophy is closely linked to the
CKMM/DM 21.26 20.38 16.86 11.39 7.51 0.00 gene for muscle-type creatine kinase (CKMM) Hum Genet 81 :

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