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3/8/22, 14:55 U6 M2 Quiz 3

Tablero Mis cursos ENGLISH III 2022-4 UNIT 6 MODULE 2 - Dear Past, Thank you for all your lessons

U6 M2 Quiz 3

Comenzado en Wednesday, 3 de August de 2022, 14:36
 Estado Terminados
Finalizado en Wednesday, 3 de August de 2022, 14:55
 Tiempo 18 mins 27 segundos

Puntos 25.00/25.00
Calificación 10.00 de un total de 10.00 (100%)

Pregunta 1 Use the past tense of the following verbs, complete the

Correcta sentences.
Puntúa 10.00

sobre 10.00
fight          sit          eat          do          have      

make          run          give           swim          sell

1.  The maid made  the beds in the rooms.

2.  The boys fought  after the school.

3.  Dave had  a bath.

4.  Owen did  the homework.

5.  The couple sat  on the bench in the park.

6.  Last night Dave  ate  a slice of pizza.

7.  Kyle ran  home and he is tired.

8.  Paul and James gave  presents to each other.

9.  Leila swam  in the sea.

10.  Tom sold  lemonade at $5.00. 1/2
3/8/22, 14:55 U6 M2 Quiz 3

Pregunta 2 Choose the past tense verb that correctly completes the
Correcta sentences.
Puntúa 15.00
sobre 15.00 1. Judy  sang  a solo during the concert.

2. Jen and Tod  were  happy to see us.

3. Aunt Sue  went  to England last year.

4.  Joe's brother  had  chickenpox.

5.  Dad  read  the newspaper with me.

6.  Jim  got  the milk out of the refrigerator.

7.  Mr. Jones  became  mayor after the election.

8.  Our class  began  the book yesterday.

9.  The mosquito  bit  my hand.

 10.  Mrs. James  paid  the store clerk.

 11.  We  hid  for Julie to come find us.

12.  The three kittens  lost  their mittens.

13.  The water on the pond  froze  .

14.  The flowers  grew  after the rain.

15.  You  knew  the answer.

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