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A Boiled Summer

Have you ever wondered how much stress an egg felt when you’re boiling it? Like, living in a sauna
without any ventilation on it. Do you think you can stay live with that kind of heat?

According to NASA, the distance of Earth to Sun is approximately 150.57 million kilometers. If you think
of it, looks far yet closer compared to other planets. Although, this made Earth habitual to us, humans.
We are not too close to be burned alive nor too far to be frozen. Lukewarm, to be exactly. We are getting
benefits with the rays and light of it which makes it vital in our daily necessities. We are lucky to have
these so called, ‘ozone layer’ which acts as a shield. Instead of directly letting the Earth absorb the heat
and dangerous UV lights, the ozone layer is depleting it having enough warm embraces the Earth.

However, it seems like the Earth is getting hotter as time goes by. Instead of enjoying the summer,
people ended up getting burned. NASA stated that the warming is alarming. The heat increases the
drought season in every country along with hurricanes are getting stronger. Some people are afraid to go
out as their body can’t handle the heat. The ozone layer is thinning due to greenhouse gases. Instead of
depleting the UV light, it is encaged inside the Earth causing excessive heat.

With these, it is important to stay alert and be hydrated. To enjoy your summer, always bring a water
with you, a cap or umbrella, and put a sunscreen. Sunscreen will help a person block the UV light which
is harmful in skin. Never stay in a place with no ventilation, it will cause respiratory distress. Stay in
shadowed area. Know that “a boiled summer is a hot summer.”

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