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*Theology II

Vocations- Who is God Calling Me to Become?

Ms. Heffernan
March, 2023

Who Is God Calling Me to Become?

Find a place of quiet within yourself for contemplating the following questions. This reflection can be
related to any faith denomination. Questions are in bold so you can respond in basic type/font.

1. Do you feel God’s presence calling you or summoning you in your life
today? If so, in which ways do these feelings of being called manifest
(surface/present) themselves for you? (meaning, how can you tell?)
If not, what “noise” is blocking you from hearing, seeing, or feeling
God’s presence?
In some circumstances, like when im facing problems or i did something
that wasn't right, i feel like God is there telling me what to do and to
trust myself. Its just like a warmer feeling, like there is someone there for

2. Saint Katharine Drexel felt that the death of her loved ones may have been
a sign for her to focus on Religious Life. Looking back at key events in your
life; which experiences (joyful or difficult) have been possible signs for a
direction in which God may be leading/pushing you? You can relate this to
career/life directions choices, relationships; any decision making really.
Experiences like loosing my loved ones has made me feel closer to God, it felt
like he was there for me and pushing me to become stronger for me and

3. We often experience competing attractions to different ways of living.

Materialistic things–the clothes, vehicles, “stuff”; Behaviors, other vices and
sins. Consider what you see on TV, videos, reels, social media, athletic events.
Those “ways” of living aren’t necessarily in line with what your faith teaches.
Can you distinguish or block out these “other desires” from God’s voice in
your life? What distracts you the most from living the life we are called to
I think i can distinguish other desires from gods voice in my life, i think something that most
distracts me is doing what seems to right, but taking some wrongs in life can help you. Making
mistakes is what makes you a better person.

4. It is not unusual to feel somewhat afraid of or leery about the unknown.

Even being afraid of what you think God may be calling you to become or to
Do you feel any resistance within yourself to what you believe God wants for
your life? (consider internal conflict) Do you feel any negativity from other people?
I think everyone is scared of what is to come and not knowing what is going to
happen. people are negative towards what may be a calling because they don't
want it to happen to them.

5. Do you believe that it is more or less difficult to lead a committed Christian

life (or your faith) today (2023) than it has been for Christians (your faith) at
other times in history? Explain.
Yes because there is more religions and faiths and different distractions nowadays than there
was then.

6. Witness—as with your prayer today on the Schoology update; witness means to present your
faith in your thoughts, deeds, etc. People see you as an “example” or as stated, “a witness” to the
How do you feel about the vocation (calling) of being a Christian (or, your faith)
witness today? If your beliefs that guide your actions are rooted in your faith,
how important is it to make this known to others? If this helps, do you think
it is important for people to see your deeds, or for others to know that you are
living a certain way because you are faithful?
I think there is a calling for being a christian and that if you truly wanna go
that way, you will know and believe that it is right way to go.

7. What effect does your personal faith have on your actions? Are there any
areas of disconnect (separation) between your faith and your actions? If so,
what is the solution to this disconnect?
The way you believe and have faith is how your actions will turn out, you faith
projects onto your action. There can be areas where they are not connected
but if it is like that you can reconnect it.

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