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Money can sometimes become a dangerous weapon

Money can bring out the worst side of human beings. As it is highly associated with
success, in their aim to become successful people can be manipulated by this inner desire to
the point of becoming utterly twisted. In this sense, Nutshell reflects this idea from different
perspectives. After reading the novel, we can conceive the different characters’ viewpoints
in relation to money.
Firstly, we are introduced to Claude and Trudy. What we know from first sight about
them is their premeditated plan of killing the baby’s father, John. Later on, it is developed
the image of John as an unsuccessful man who had not been able to reach anything in life. A
frustrated career, no wealth (reflected in material possessions), lack of sex appeal and blind
devotion to his former wife are the elements that describe him as a failed man. After this
information, we can understand that it is not only because of monetary reasons that Trudy
abandoned him, but it is also the main mobile of the crime.
On the opposite side, the author shows us Elodie’s perspective. A completely
opposite view than the previous one conceived by John’s former wife and brother. There,
our victim is presented as a beloved and even worshipped man. Regarded as a brilliant poet,
a great master and a person with a big heart, we see a totally different side of the baby’s
father independently of material belongings. It is only after Elodie’s description that we can
see the best part of John.
In conclusion, the book invites us to open a space in our hearts for different
perspectives. Money sometimes can become a dangerous weapon. The worst and most
cruel side of people can be brought about as a result of monetary interest as well as
materialism. However, an altruist vision is also possible. People can —and actually, people
are— loved without considering their success, money or their position in life. Although
currency might bring out the evil in people, someone can either be loved or hated by that

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