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1 Student will demonstrate autonomy and a minimized need for approval

Running and Training for a Half Marathon

In June of 2022 I ran my first half marathon. I did not do this for anyone other than myself. This has been a life goal of
mine, and running means a lot more to me than how far I go. When I was little I had really bad asthma and could not
even run a mile without stopping. In addition whenever I said that I wanted to run I did not have very much support
from friends or family. I played softball all throughout high school but running was definitely not a strength of mine. I
caught the running bug during covid, and although no one in my life underwood it gave me an outlet to destress and
do something for myself. Then when I started to tell people that I wanted to run a half marathon many of them said
you don’t need to do that or were a little apprehensive at the idea. One of these people being my Dad. My Dad is my
biggest support in this world in every aspect of life, but he genuinely did not understand why I needed to do this for
myself. He was definitely concerned with me getting injured or the fact that the race was the day before I left to study
abroad in Spain for 6 weeks. However, I did not let that stop me and kept training. As the race got closer I started to
notice him see the change in myself that came from running, and although he did not understand the running he
believed in me. This was one of the most difficult things I have ever done, and having the support from the people
around me made all the difference on the day of the race. I didn’t sign up for the run with anyone because I didn’t feel
that I needed to. This shocked a lot of people, but ultimately that is who I am as a person. If there is something that I
want I will not let anything stand in my way even if I have to do it alone. Then on race day my family was there
supporting me with signs, and two of my good friends surprised me the morning of the race at the starting line before
it even began.
Although I felt support in the end, that was not the reason that I decided to do this.
110. Students will describe examples of using active listening skills
Listening to my new students during storytelling and breaking boundaries
In the leadership institute I honed in and refined my active listening skills. This has become very important in this
group because I wanted to give new students the space, and ability to share what is on their minds. I recognize that
as a peer leader this is not my time to share my personal thoughts, but I am creating a space for these new students
to connect with one another. Throughout my time with the purple group in 2022 my fellow peer leader Anthony and I
worked towards this goal. One specific example of this was when I was talking to one of my new students who came
here from Arizona. She was a little apprehensive and nervous about transitioning to the college process. I listened to
her concerns, and allowed her to tell me what she needed in order to get the most out of this experience. We worked
together, and came to an agreement that helped enjoy the remainder of her time.
In addition I participated in active listening when my group was making our spirit stick. We had a bunch of different
personalities all come together to share the common value. This got smoother as the few days were spent together. I
am so proud that everyone in my group saw the benefits of active learning, and slowly began to let others share
whenever they needed it.
113. Student will show knowledge of techniques regarding giving and accepting of feedback
Nursing Clinical feedback rubric
Giving semester feedback to my instructor and then reading her feedback for my NUR333 Course
In my Psychiatric Mental Health clinical rotation I gave end of semester feedback on my clinical experience, and then
received feedback from my clinical instructor Marianne Barba. There are 31 outcomes that I gave feedback on, and
reflected on my experience. This is very beneficial because we have 12 weeks of clinical, and it is very easy to lose
track of all we have accomplished. I specifically focused on the experience that I have learned that will help me in my
future career. When I graduate I would love to work in a Pediatric Emergency Department. There are a lot of patients
who come through with mental illness. My clinical experience gave me the knowledge and skills to be successful in
this area. It was also very rewarding when I met for my final evaluation with my clinical instructor to hear that my hard
work had paid off. She was very impressed with my work ethic and drive and I was able to learn what she saw as my
strengths in the clinical setting. In addition I know that through writing feedback to her, if I ever were to need to pull
from the knowledge of this clinic I already have reflected on these experiences.
119 Student will demonstrate knowledge of facilitation techniques
Planning Officer Training Academy for Greek Life
This past year I planned the Officer Training Academy for 300 Greek Leaders in the Community. During this event I
planned and facilitated workshops, breakout sessions, and was the “Keynote” Speaker at the event. This
strengthened my leadership facilitation techniques as I had to keep the entire community engaged at 10 AM on a
Sunday Morning. I came up with and gave a keynote speech to set the intention for the night. I focused on Intention
versus Impact and how we become the sum of the five people we spend the most time with. I became intentful when
coming up with this idea because February is a crucial time for Greek Life Leadership Boards. Everyone has been
newly elected but still is learning how to lead. Therefore with this opening I wanted to facilitate a safe community
where leaders can brainstorm and share their goals. I also selectively assigned the seating so people sat with their
positions and not their chapters. This was intentful, so for example all of the Vice Presidents of Recruitment sat
together of both Fraternities and Sororities. Then those people at the tables can discuss current things that are going
well or bad. It is good to be surrounded by like minded people who share the same position. There is also not
another space for Greek Leaders that has this.
In addition I purposely talked about this to begin the day because when we are intentful we can have a greater
impact, and I believe that message carried across with my facilitation skills.
122 Student will demonstrate proficiency of de-briefing techniques
Choosing Panhellenic Chair Applications
I learned and strengthened this tactic through debriefing the panhellenic chair applications. We received a record
number of applicants this past year (54). Then with my executive board we all met and went through every
application. I wanted to ensure that everyone who applied was considered as they put in the effort to submit an
application. I facilitated this, which took a little over three hours. However, I was extremely grateful that my board
considered and took notes on everyone. Then after narrowing this down we brought it to 29 women to interview. This
was difficult, and unfortunately I had several women who were not happy with this decision. I responded to emails
and answered questions, and encouraged them to keep applying for leadership opportunities in the future. I made
sure that when discussing our potential chairs I made sure to be a neutral perspective. I also was not afraid to pose
open ended questions, and encouraged silence when discussing. We did this in two waves, first after the applications
and our second round after the interviews. In my role as President I do not have any chairs under me, and
therefore I was not personally selecting anyone to be under me (as all of the Executive board members are)
129 Student will show knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure
Vice President of Risk and Parliamentary Procedure on the Panhellenic Council
This past academic year of 2022-2023 I am the Vice President of Risk and Parliamentary procedure. Here I am
responsible for the duties as following.
- Preside and discharge the duties of the office of president, in the absence of the president
- Be the head of the risk management team; responsible for up to date written policies for risk reduction and
- Oversee two chairs; risk management and diversity and inclusion
- Be a member of all chapter risk management
- Chair bylaw committees; be responsible for the updating and amending of the Bylaws of the URI College
Panhellenic Council
- Maintain complete and up to date files
- Review all event registration forms submitted by an individual Panhellenic chapter
- Train and serve as liaison to chapter delegates
- Facilitate election projections
- Chair Judicial Board
In addition to all of this I am responsible for maintaining Robert’s Rules at all of our Panhellenic Meetings. This is very
important when it comes to elections, bylaws, and motioning to approve events. This helps because the Panhellenic
Council is a very strong group of Greek Life leaders, and when we follow Robert’s Rules our meetings are put in
140. Student will show knowledge of the construction / elements of informative and persuasive
Running for the president of the Panhellenic Council
I have recently run for the position of the Panhellenic Council President and won. In my speech I spoke from my
heart, and really wanted to captivate the presidents. I used persuasion to encourage all of them of their true potential
if they believed in me as a leader. In the beginning of my speech I asked everyone to think of who their biggest
supporters are. Then I followed that up by saying I hope to be one of them. Then I asked everyone to stand up, and
do a power pose. This was intensive because whenever I have something important coming up I do a power pose to
gain confidence. I wanted to share this with everyone during my speech because it is important to me. The speech
did not need to be interactive, but that is who I am as a person and therefore I wanted to let that shine through. I try to
be very intentful with my words, and in my speech I talked about believing in me for who I am, not what I have done.
The way I took my speech was effective, and I ultimately won this position because of that.
158 Student will describe principles of effective mentoring, as well as problems particular to the
mentoring relationship
143 Student will describe personal examples of planning and conducting interviews (as the
Conducting Panhellenic Interviews
In the second round of the Panhellenic Chair Applications we conducted 29 interviews, and the executive board
interviewed all of our applicants. After this concluded we again debriefed every interview. I came up with questions to
help differentiate our candidates (see below). This was helpful in making our final decisions. This was the first major
interview process that I created an application for, shared with a community, selected interviewees, and ultimately
selected. I learned how to meet the needs of the selection committee to ensure that everyone could be heard and
- Refresh us on what position you are most interested in and why you feel you are qualified for
- What positions do you not want and why?
- We have 11 chairs which ideally means one representative per chapter, what makes you more
qualified than other girls in your chapter
- Tell us something unique about yourself that was not listed on your application
- What values or assets would you bring to the council?
- Strongest & Weakest skill?
- Public Speaking?
- What have you been involved in so far / how are your time management skills?
- What are some of your life goals? - overarching
- Ask if they have any questions for us

Returning Questions
- What are your ideas for the positions you are interested in?
- Why do you want to switch up your position?
- What have you learned in the past year that you can bring to the table?
- Why are you more qualified to return to this team?
I specifically chose these questions because I wanted to hear more than what makes the person who they
are versus why they are qualified for the position. Upon creating the interview sign ups I needed to
coordinate the schedules of 7 people to ensure that when the interviews took place they would have at
least 4 interviewers.
147 Student will describe personal examples of working in collaboratives/coalitions
Leadership Institute Collaboration with the Peer Leaders before the new students came
At Leadership institute all of the Peer Leaders went through a training together prior to the arrival of the new students.
This was very important in focusing on collaboration because we all are a team and want to be a united force to
support all of the new students. When collaborating we practiced our team building, facilitation, active listening skills,
and so much more. I also worked alongside my fellow peer leader Anthony as we planned for the arrival of our
students. With a lot of strong leaders in one place there is potential to clash, but we all worked hard to make sure we
supported and lifted each other up. One personal experience that I had was every dinner I asked all of the peer
leaders to go around and say their peach and pit of the day. This is basically the best and worst part. I believe that we
have to have the good to have the bad, and by doing this it allows everyone’s voices to be heard. This was very
intentional because I was one of the older peer leaders, and knew that I was given the chance to connect to a lot of
the younger PL’s.
Another example of this was when the new students arrived my group was always the first to pick up the slack when
another group needed something. I knew that things would come up, and if I can be there for my team then we all will
be more successful together.

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