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the what and why’s of IJRS

wages, hours and working conditions

over 100 years the same union game

today its personal, professional and financial development

union cannot play in work life balance game
they are not equipped beyound wages, hours and working conditions

whats needed
personal (life coaching)

Mental growth. Mental growth focuses on the development of your mind, such as the
way you think and learn. ...

life coaching
learning open to learning new things and skills – having a 'growth mindset'
Finding peace and contentment with things you cannot change. Better work and
relationship outcomes.
physical, relational, emotional, spiritual,
improving your communication skills.

professional coaching
intellectual development learning opportunities,
relational, emotional, and career growth.
Better work and relationship outcomes.
improving your communication skills.

financial coaching
side hustles
self empowered growth

All too often, new managers make mistakes like rewarding good work with good pay,
communicating clearly and improving departmental efficiency.
Dogbert shows that this could have devastating results:
Employees begin to expect fair treatment and compensation,
productive workers show results and the department's future budget allotment could
be decreased because it spends only what it needs.

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