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Contingency Plan

Name of Production: FMP Year 1 Producers Name: Louis Clark Contact Number:

Location / Potential problem Effect on production Control Measure Existing measures

Weather could be bad on Means that the date I plan If there Is a chance of poor weather, If there is poor weather, I have the
Poole Park day of recording (e.g. to shoot will require a bring protective gear to protect ability to go inside community
heavy rain) reschedule. Can't use equipment encase of bad weather to buildings such as a café to protect
camera equipment in avoid the damage. myself and the equipment against the
heavy rain. weather.
Redhill Park I may not be able to get This would mean that I Have a back-up location encase I There are other park locations in the
to film in the space that I would have to reschedule am unable to get to the location I surrounding area that I can
would like due to lots of and find a different plan on. potentially go to.
people around. location that has similar
contents to the place I was
planning on going to.

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