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Four of wands reversed

Queen of swords reversed
Seven of swords
The Hermit reversed


How is my relationship with this person?

Infernal that helped with the reading:

President Glasya-Labolas



- When the Four of Wands reversed appears, tension arises. Do you have an argument with
someone or a group of people?
- The card serves as a warning that communication issues with others may obstruct
- Your partnership suffers from a lack of consistency. Your "partner" may be hesitant to
commit to a higher degree of commitment at this time (or...ever, to be honest. I'm not
exactly sure, Glasya-Labolas is a lot more quiet on this than I expected him to).
Everything is pretty unstable right now, unstable even. Which is why it's causing all of
this doubt inside you.


- Queen of Swords reversed as love outcome indicates that the partnership will be harmful,

particularly intellectually and emotionally. While drawing the Queen of Swords in

reverse, keep in mind that she symbolizes the spirit of bitterness, distance, and coldness.
To resent or miss an ex lover, this individual may seek new companions. I think this new

companion is you. This card's energy is unfavorable for all parties, so Glasya-Labolas is

telling you to consider twice before emotionally engaging in this person.

- This is basically, honestly showing up as “ex” energy. They still are pretty disconnected
to you mainly because they still miss their old lover. Maybe they still think of them.
Maybe they still want to be together.


- Despite all of that, for some odd reason, you’re still a really good match for them. You’re

both really understanding and patient with one another, the dynamic is honestly really

wholesome and sweet. If you really want to make this work (though there’s a pretty small

chance of this happening), be patient and let things unfold. They feel you’re easy and

pleasant to communicate with. They appreciate how attentive and considerate you are to

their needs and not just about what you need. It’s sweet, really!!


- There’s a hint of dishonesty or lack of transparency. Maybe the other person is hiding

secrets from you. Maybe they have other priorities that don’t revolve around you, even

though they should have. Perhaps they have a third party entering the relationship. Or

perhaps, you’ve become the third party yourself. You’re not the priority in your

relationship. There has always been something or someone else that’s on their mind, and

even though you’re aware of it, sometimes it hurts you, doesn’t it?

- Find out what they truly want from you. From the current relationship you have together,

to what you expect with him in the future. Do you want to make this work or not? You

have to learn some of your person’s secrets before deciding whether you want to take the

relationship to the next level.


- The Hermit as love outcome indicates an unhealed partner who is not ready to be in a

relationship. Relationships necessitate both take and give. This person is not in a position

to love you or do the necessities and responsibilities of a lover at this current moment.

They have unsolved difficulties that keep them from giving and receiving love properly.

They are disoriented. This can go one of two ways: they won't know where to begin their

mending. They can get to the bottom of problems with some direction (and maybe the

help of a professional).

- As stated earlier, there is distance, lack of communication, disconnection. The

relationship between you two feels cold and stagnant. One of you is around just because

the other is scared of being alone, which is completely unfair for the other party.

Communicate with them. It’s the only way to know their true intentions and if they want

to make things work out or not.

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