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Step 1: Purify your intentions and mind.

Angels are believed to be pure beings of light

and goodness, and as such, you must approach their summoning with a pure heart
and mind. This involves performing acts of purification such as taking a cleansing
bath, meditating, or practicing prayers or mantras.

Step 2: Choose the right time and place. Angels are said to be more easily
summoned during times of spiritual significance such as a full moon or a sacred
holiday. The place you choose should also be conducive to spiritual practices and
should be free of distractions and disturbances.

Step 3: Gather the necessary tools. This can vary depending on the tradition you
follow. Some people use candles, incense, crystals, or sigils. Others prefer to use
their own body and voice to create a sacred space. Choose the tools that resonate
with you and your intentions.

Step 4: Call upon the angel. Once you have prepared your mind, body, and tools, it is
time to call upon the angel. This can be done through spoken words, visualization, or
meditation. You can use a specific angelic name or simply call out to the angel in

Step 5: State your intention. Once you have called upon the angel, state your
intention clearly and respectfully. Be honest and specific about what you want, but
also be open to the guidance and wisdom of the angel.

Step 6: Listen for a response. Angels are believed to communicate in many different
ways, including through signs, symbols, and feelings. Pay attention to any messages
or guidance that you receive, and be grateful for the angel's presence.

Step 7: End the ritual. When you are ready to end the summoning, thank the angel for
their presence and guidance. Close your sacred space by extinguishing candles or
other tools and taking a moment to ground yourself.

It is important to note that summoning an angel is a serious spiritual practice that

should not be taken lightly. Always approach it with respect and caution, and
remember that angels are not at your beck and call but rather entities that may or
may not choose to interact with us.

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